Charlie Weasley: Meeting the Family {Part 1} ✔️

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"No way that's your animagus form!"I laughed and playfully shoved my adoring boyfriend

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"No way that's your animagus form!"
I laughed and playfully shoved my adoring boyfriend.

"You don't believe me?" Charlie shook his head and leant on the fence behind him.

"Not a chance." The smile never left his lips, only grew as I shifted into a small dragon, around the size of a large dog. "It's incredible you learnt how to do that." I changed back and watched his expression changed into one of amazement. "Your talents know no bounds, my love."

"So, when are you heading home this Christmas?"

"Couple days, do you want to come meet my oddball family?" I stayed quiet, thinking about meeting all six of his siblings and then his parents too.

"We're not taking any dragons, okay?" The ginger groaned but eventually agreed to my terms, until I held up a little dragon that we had recently smuggled from Scotland. "Although, I'm sure Ron won't mind if we bring little Norberta." Charlie smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I really do love you." His lips met mine in a quick kiss.

"I know." When the Dragon came over to us here in Romania, we were quite fast at figuring out that this specific Norwegian Ridgeback was a girl, we only found this out because compared to Kyle (my favourite Ridgeback here, we gave him a generic name cause he was special in being strangely well behaved) Norberta was much more vicious and ferocious. It was weird because I somehow found out before Charlie. "You tell me every time I'm with a dragon."

"That's because you're extremely talented with them and it reminds me why I fell in love with you."

"Mhm, love you too, Charles."

A voice broke us apart and I set Norberta down, letting her back into her enclosure.

"(Y/n)! Charlie! New dragon! And it's a problem!" Behind the tree line we could see a massive cloud of brilliant bright red flames.

"What breed?!"

"Don't know! Someone had the great idea of letting the Ukrainian Ironbelly into the Vipertooth's enclosure a couple months back!" Our fellow worker did seem a little distressed and kept looking back over his shoulder at the continuous flames bursting from within the trees.

"Charlie, I think we've got a busy Christmas..."

"I should say, we've been gifted with a new breed of dragon." The two of us broke out in smiles and then the fastest sprint anyone had ever seen.

"When'd it hatch?!" I called out to Marlyn, our terrified co-worker as he ran alongside us.

"We're guessing six weeks, round about!" My smile grew and I ran faster with a bit of a skip in my step.
The sight was beautiful, within the six weeks, this beast had grown to 15 foot and was covered in the most beautiful metallic grey mixed with copper scales, it was really a sight to see. I screamed in glee as I noticed how vicious it was, immediately plopping onto the nearest log and pulling out a notebook to note everything down on what I could see. A spell was muttered, via my lips and the temperature of this dragon's flame was thus recorded. 4,629 degrees Celsius.

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