Order of The Phoenix: Ron Weasley ✔️

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Every so often during class or meals I could feel something was off, like someone was staring at me. Even my friends had started to notice it and as a Hufflepuff, I've got to admit, I wasn't much of a fan of confrontation.

"I don't know, maybe you have a secret admirer~" Hannah Abbott, one of my closest friends considering I shared a dorm with her and three others. Long blonde hair and bright brown eyes, she had a knack for teasing me and despite her lack of self-confidence, she always knew how to boost someone else's.
Then there was Megan Jones, cute girl, quiet like most other Hufflepuff girls in our year but she was also incredibly outgoing once you got to know her. That left Leanne and Susan Bones. Leanne was intelligent and observant, so when she agreed with Hannah none of us were surprised but I had simply just flushed a slight pink and shook my head in disagreement. Susan usually wore her hair in a long plait which tended to trail down her back and was slowly losing and gaining confidence, she was kind of confusing but we loved her.
Anyway we currently watered some minor plants in the Herbology classroom or sat at desks writing notes from a textbook. But unbeknownst to me, a certain Gryffindor kept looking up and glancing in my direction. Hannah and Leanne were with me watering plants at the front of the room. Luckily for the week, we were allowed to wear casual clothes as long as we still represented our houses by colour or symbol, so I happily wore some yellow and black. I gladly wore black knee high socks rimmed in yellow, a black skater skirt - a pair of black shorts underneath - and my quidditch jumper, tucking it into the waist of my skirt a little. I also wore a pair of cute black heels.
I stood on the balls of my feet and leant one hand on the counter as I reached up to water one of the muggle hanging plants. It was one of those ones that made a really adorable back drop or screen, marble pothos I think. It was the final class of the day and to be quiet honest it was about to end, so when Professor Sprout dismissed us, I told my friends to go back to the dorms without me as I would finish up here.

Ten minutes later and I heard a quiet knock on the door, almost as though the visitor was nervous or simply didn't wish to disturb me. Plants have always been so calming to me, growing them, planting them, caring for them...I turned my head and spotted Ronald Weasley at the door in a pair of light jeans, boots and a dark red quidditch t-shirt.

"Hello, Ron." He sent me a boyish smile and approached me as I set the watering can down and turned to face him. "Everything alright?" This time he nodded and happily stood in front of me as I slid to sit on the counter to listen to whatever he had to say.

"I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" Tomorrow was an autumn day and to spend it in Hogsmeade with the youngest son of Molly and Arthur Weasley? (Two people I admired for being able to betray that pure-blood belief every other family had, to raise their children to respect every blood status. That was definitely shown through Ron's choice in friends. He himself was a pure-blood, Harry a half-blood and Hermione was a muggle-born). I smiled and nodded.

"I'd love to, but only if you admit it's been you staring at me constantly." The red-head looked away with a bashful smile and a red tint to his cheeks.

"Y-yeah, you noticed huh?" I nodded with a quiet giggle, making him flush a little more.

"All the Hufflepuff's did. You aren't that subtle, Ron. They say you tend to zone out when doing so." He kept his eyes from meeting mine. I slid off the counter and pecked his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Tomorrow didn't come nearly as soon enough with my friends pestering me the entire time

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Tomorrow didn't come nearly as soon enough with my friends pestering me the entire time. They had heard a certain rumour in the Gryffindor area of the school as they passed by the portrait. Also including the fact I was never one to go to Hogsmeade at any point in my Hogwarts life. 'The quiet Hufflepuff has a date with a Weasley.' The only question people could think of was 'Which Weasley?'. For all they knew I could have gone for Ginny or the twins, Fred and George were known to pop into Hogsmeade every weekend, despite having been out of school for barely six months, to try and sell things for their growing business, so I could see where people's confusion came from. I always like to represent my house, so I always wore a touch of yellow, furthering the proof of Hufflepuff loyalty. Today it happened to be a pair of black tights, white shoes, denim shorts and my quidditch jumper. Not many people new about my family: had to give me up when I was younger - status and all, couldn't risk exposure of the magical world to the entirety of Britain - and the Malfoy's happened to be the nearest Wizarding family that could be trusted to keep me safe. Despite having been a muggle-born, they were happy and quick to accept me into their family, but then again that was probably because I was the daughter of the Queen of England. Pure-blood family takes in Princess? Of course they were going to. Not many people knew of my status either, and for that I was glad. But still...when people saw Draco Malfoy speaking to someone as though he were lower than them, it definitely drew the attention of a few. I had grown up with the blonde, respecting him as he respected me, growing up as best friends and siblings. No one knew of my blood status either, so that was perfect.

"Just be careful, I don't want you getting hurt, neither would Mum or Father." I nodded, staying quiet as he spoke, a look of complete innocence on my face. "Don't go near the Shrieking Shack." I nodded again, listening to the rules my 'older brother' was setting as we walked to the courtyard. "And for gods sake, if you are going on a date with that Weasley prat, don't wander off, we know what you're like, stay with him." We stopped at the steps, people quietening down when they witnessed Draco ruffle my hair and a shy and grateful smile cross my lips with the quietest giggle escaping my lips.

"I will, don't worry." For once in his life, Draco smiled and spotted his own friends before nudging me towards the proclaimed Golden Trio.

"Good. I'll see you later, (N/n)."

"Bye, Draco."
The date went well, I really must say, but what sucked was the fact that as a sixteen year old witch, it was rather boring to just hang around Hogwarts all week. It had been around a month and a half since then and Ron and I had become what of an Item, kissing, PDA, all of it.
My boredom was cured when I received a letter at dinner one random day, Draco receiving one too. Ron handed it to me without a second thought and I watched Hermione's eyes widen at the sight of the wax seal enclosing the envelope. I tore it open, seemingly still bored, but almost choked when I read the first few words.

Princess (Y/n) of Britain,
    You have been requested, in the late Queen's wishes, to attend her funeral as you are her daughter. The Malfoy family will be attending alongside yourself. Her highness also requested that you be coronated the next queen of England by December 25th of this year.please return to the palace over Hogwarts' Christmas break.
Our deepest regards are sent to you due to the death of your mother, we hope to see you present at the funeral.
Our condolences,
    The Royal Staff.

"Excuse me." I excused myself from the table and stood up to leave, taking the letter with me. Draco was quick to follow from his own table.

"Are you ever going to tell Weaselbee about your Royal problem?" I shook my head as he joined up with me just before we reached the door and exited into the corridor.

"I've got three days to mentally prepare myself and pack. I have to go..." Draco nodded in understanding and let me head off to my dorm room.
And here we are. I stood in front of a rather large crowd on Christmas Day. Here it was, coronation day. A long purple cloak trailed behind me as the crown sat atop my head, which I held high with the correct posture. Upon reaching my place at the throne, I turned to face the crowd - who were completely silent in my wake.

"May I present, Queen (Y/n)!" My voice and heart caught in my throat. Surely I couldn't return to Hogwarts now...

Little did I know instead of returning to Hogwarts, I would have a visit from the one and only Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, along with her parents.
I sat in my seat, bored and in casual clothes. My legs hung over the arm of the throne as my back sat against the other. The sound of the large doors opening caught my attention and forced me to rush into standing up, my hands linked in front of my body.

"You have guests." They were ushered in and the door was closed, I immediately relaxed and hurried down towards them, mainly to Ron first, pressing my lips to his as my arms slipped around his neck as his went around my waist.

"Queen, huh?" I nodded with a smile, pecking his lips once more.

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