George Weasley x reader

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"What's that music?" Sirius sighed and Remus chuckled at Ron's question.

"That would be mini Padfoot." The blonder marauder responded, his hands linked under his chin.

"You have a kid?" Fred asked in surprise, directing his question to Sirius Black, who nodded.

"She's in a mood."

"She?" George's mood pricked up and he peered curiously at Harry's godfather. Sirius nodded.

"(Y/n). She's around your age, Fred, George."

"So she's (Y/n) Black?" Sirius nodded as music continued to be blasted in the room above them. "Excuse me for a moment, I need to use the loo." George Weasley stood from his seat before heading in the general direction of the stairs. It wasn't long before the door of a young teenage girl was opened, revealing her dancing around her room with her wand. The girl was smiling brightly but her smile quickly dropped in surprise.

"George. What...What are you doing here?"
"Oh shush, I'm fine transferring into Hogwarts, now that you're part of the Order again, it's all safe for me to finally attend the school my father caused such trouble at." Sirius chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to my head as we stood on the train platform. My larger cases were already loaded onto the train and I was left with my shoulder bag and my little black ferret slinking over my shoulders, standing on his front feet and poking his head up in my hair to look around the area.

"Dumbledore said you'll be sorted when you get there, okay?" I nodded. "Just remember, there are people you know, so you're not alone. You've got the twins, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, okay?" I nodded.

"But they're all Gryffindor." My dad stared at me. "What if I'm like Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?"

"(Y/n), you come from a long bloodline of Slytherin's, I broke that, and you can too. I met some of my best friends in Gryffindor. You'll be fine." He pressed a kiss to my head again and lightly ruffled the fuzz on top of my ferrets head, making the long thing wiggle his head into my dads hand. The train tooted and my dad quickly ushered me onto the train and I went to find a carriage with someone I knew. The nearest one I found happened to hold the twins and one of their friends. They seemed fully invested in their conversation and smiled, gently opening the door.

"Mind if I join you?" The three looked at me, Fred and George smiling. "I seem to not know anyone and it's my first day." George's smiled slipped into a beam and he stood up, wrapping me in a tight hug, one which I returned.

"It's so good to see you again." I smiled and nodded in agreement as Fred moved to sit with their mutual friend to make room for me to sit.

"So you're coming to Hogwarts now? What made you finally enrol?" Fred asked and I shrugged, setting my bag onto the floor and taking the seat beside George.

"Just felt like it was finally time, you know?" The twins nodded.

"Oh! (Y/n), this is Lee Jordan, he's our dormmate and one of our best friends." I nodded and smiled at George's words, shaking Lee's hand and sending him a smile as Arcturus, my ferret named after one of my ancestors, as well as my uncles middle name, hurried down my arm and onto his in an attempt to explore.

"That's Arcturus, sorry about that." I held my hands out and the ferret leapt onto my arm and hurried onto the top of my head.

I spent the trip continuing to catch up and get to know the boys, also ending up falling asleep on George's shoulder. When we had arrived, the group had woken me up and I had gathered my bag and pet, following them to the carriages and then the castle.

"We have a new student joining us this year!" Everyone was looking around the room at at each other before turning to look at the doors as they opened. "(Y/n) Black!" Dumbledore announced and I saw familiar faces smiling and chatting to each other while a blond boy looked at me in mild disgust. I looked around the room and saw some teachers staring at me, specifically one my father had tormented in his years here, Severus Snape. "You must now be sorted into your house!" I nervously approached the front of the room, keeping my head high and not letting my nerves show.

"She'll definitely be a Gryffindor." I heard Harry's voice as I passed him and his friends.

"How could she not?" Hermione added with an incredulous smile.

I stood at the front of the room as Professor McGonagall set the sorting hat on my head. hmmm, it spoke, Another Black...but do you follow your father, or your ancestors? I remained quiet, letting it make its own choice, the one it thought was best. Any preference? I shook my head. Very well..."Slytherin!" I felt a small smile etch across my lips before they fell, realising all my friends were Gryffindor. My eyes drifted over onto the red table, my friends all staring at me in surprise as well as each other. Even Professor McGonagall was surprised, and the blond boy.

"Slytherin?" I shared a look with George, one of utter confusion, before the hat was taken from my head and the Slytherin table cheered, calling me over. I followed the sounds and took an open seat beside a girl with auburn hair, a year younger than me by the looks of things.

"(Y/n), I'm Pansy, Pansy Parkinson. And this is Draco Malfoy." I nodded to the two and shook their hands to be polite, pure-blood family status and all. The Malfoy's weren't particularly liked by my father, but I had more of an open mind in that field, I mean they're family after all. Draco is the son of my father's cousin, so I may as well be civil with the Malfoys.

"Pleasure, really." I sent the two a timid smile as well as looking past Draco to George, also aiming the smile at him with a small nod.

I hurried from the potions classroom with my best friend, Lindsey Scamander, one of the two Scamander children at our school.

"Lindsey, hurry up!" My laugh echoed through the corridor and she called out to me as she rushed to join me.

"How did you manage that?!" With a shrug and a laugh I replied.

"I dodged glass and apologised to The Bloody Baron for-"

"Collateral damage!" I screamed when Lindsey finally caught up to me and almost tackled me, making me realise we had to go. When I looked up, my eyes caught sight f two figures around the corner and I smiled. "We need to go, come on, Lin!" I laughed again and grabbed her hand, running passed the troublesome twins.

"Some competition, Fred?"

"I think so, George."


The next morning, I was in my dorm room with Lindsey and we were dancing around the room to 'The Weird Sisters', screaming the lyrics in the middle of the Slytherin dorms, as we prepared ourselves for the school day. I grabbed my robe and wand before tossing Lindsey her own Hufflepuff robe, and then following her out of the room, through the twists and turns of the dungeons and corridors. We finally managed to find ourselves in the Great Hall, quite a few eyes on us. It may have been our sixth year at Hogwarts, and we knew something was going down very soon.

"I'll see you in class." I stated, leaving Lin and heading over to my housemates for breakfast.

Throughout breakfast, I felt a pair of eyes on me and it was starting to bug me ever so slightly. I turned in my head and looked around the room, my eyes finally landing on one of the Weasley Twins. I stared at him for a moment. Our eyes met and I nodded towards the main door. The red-head leaned over to his brother and Lee before saying something and standing up, leaving the room. As he got up, his eyes met mine and he sent me a quick wink and smile. I sent him a confused smile before following just after him.

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