Marauder's Era: Not necessarily an X reader

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Trigger Warning: Hints of Sexual Assault!!

After a long day wandering around Godric's Hollow, I found myself back at my best friend's house. While I had lived literally just down the road from him all of my life, I had attended the Beauxbaton's Academy for Magic in France as a way for me to fluently learn an additional language to my own, otherwise I would have attended Hogwarts with dearest James Potter. I let myself into the Potter's cottage, wandering into the kitchen, nodding to Fleamont as I passed him while he was coming down the stairs. 

"Mum, dad, you've met my mates, but this is my girlfriend, Lily..." I heard a nervous voice pipe up from the sitting room and smirked, grabbing a drink from the fridge before following the silence to the sitting room, slipping through the doorway.

"I-it's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Potter-" I chuckled at the sound of the red-head's nerves, recognising James' three best friends sprawled on the sofa's.

"A ginger?" Everyone turned to look at me as I quietly laughed, dropping into the empty space between Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. "You fuckin' weirdo." Beside me, Peter snickered while Sirius was trying to hide his smile, Remus pursing his lips to hide his laughter. I shuffled forward, sitting up as I rest my arms on my knees, holding a hand out to the red head. "(Y/n) Malfoy, I live quite far down the road." A cheeky smile crossed my lips as she looked me up and down. After I silently urged her to take my hand, she shook it, hesitantly. 

"Lily Evans-"

"Pleasure." I leaned back in my section of the sofa. 

"She's also been known you sleep with Remus every summer." I quickly switched my attention over to James and glared, harshly. 

"I think Sirius was involved at one point...Maybe sixth year?" My attention slowly shifted to Peter. 

"The two of you are playing a dangerous game." Euphemia and Fleamont laughed, shaking their heads. Fleamont stood up and ruffled my hair, moving to walk out of the room. 

"Welcome home, (Y/n)." A smile slipped onto my lips. Euphemia was the next to speak, standing up from her seat. 

"I'll get dinner ready. Any requests, (Y/n)?" I shook my head, feeling welcome in this home for another year. 

"Nah, you've got three kids living under this room, I don't need to chuck strain on that-"

"(Y/n), you're always welcome here, you know this." My smile slipped a little and I hesitantly looked over to a surprised James. 

"You didn't go back this year, did you?" I shook my head, biting my tongue between my teeth, a small smile was slipping onto my lips, although I could see James' and Sirius' slipping away. 

"(N/n), what are they doing to you?" I stared at Sirius like he'd mentioned something ridiculous. 

"They aren't doing anything-"

"Then how did you know who I was asking about?" My smile finally fell and I sighed. 

"Nothing Sirius, I promise-"

"Come on, we all know Abraxas isn't the best person to be raising a child-" Remus tried to chime into the conversation, only to set me off. 

"I've been raised perfectly fine!" I had finally snapped. "My father raised my brother just fine, and did same with me-"

"Is that why you sleep with two different people every summer?" Peter asked, leaning against the arm of the sofa with a drink in his hand. He had cocked his head, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "Cause you were raised right?" I stared at him in shock, freezing where I was. 

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