Marauder's Era: Peter Pettigrew x reader [Part 2]

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It was the middle of the day, a couple of months after James and Lily had married. James and Lily were preparing for the arrival of a baby, my little nephew, while Sirius had his own place, Regulus was MIA, Remus was staying with Sirius since neither were in a relationship and it was cheaper to rent a flat together. 

And here I was stood in a wedding dress, preparing for my wedding in a few minutes, however, something had happened. Why could nothing ever go right for me? I bit my lip, furrowing my brow as I reread the letter, dropping into a seat.

Miss (Y/n) Euphemia Potter, 
      You may remember me, Lord Voldemort. I wish to congratulate you on your coming nuptials with Wormtail, I'm not a fan of the event, personally. 

I stared at the page. Wormtail? Voldemort was calling Peter Wormtail...

"Oh my god..." I whispered in shock-horror. 

     As you may have gathered, you will be marrying one of my many followers, and now your loyalty will be tested as his was. If you release information on any locations, plans, or identities, or show any sign of going against myself, you and your doting husband will be killed on-sight.

I chewed on my nail, my chest tightening. 

Furthermore, you are to receive the Dark Mark.
    Congratulations once more, Miss Potter.

I sucked in a deep breath as the door opened, causing me to carefully hide the letter back into the envelope. I turned around and forced a smile. 

"James, hi."

"You sound nervous." My brother chuckled as I glanced down at the note. I nodded, setting it onto the table. "Mum and dad are here." I smiled softly. We both knew how ill they were, and I knew they wouldn't stay long, but at least they could attend. "They're only going to be here for the ceremony, but they're to see my baby sister get married." My smile faltered a little. 

"It's kind of sad that they won't meet their grandchildren." James nodded in agreement. 

"Dad wants to walk you. And mum told me to give you this." I looked down at his hand as he held something out to me. A note and a small box. I gently took them from his hand. I first opened the note. 

To our darling daughter,
We know we may not make it to your wedding, but I made you a little something for any future children you may bare, as well as an additional thing James will give you from me, an heirloom. 

I gently opened the box, finding my mother's treasured veil. It was part of a hair pin which had a veil attached, something you would slip into an up-do like a bun. I smiled softly, tears welling in my eyes when I recognised something underneath it which she had been working on up until she fell ill. It was this sweet, little, dress she had hand made, similar to her usual black dress which rose part way up her neck, covering her arms up to the wrists, beside it was this little waistcoat which looked much like my father's. I smiled softly, handing James the veil to slip into my hair as I continued to read.

We had them charmed to grow with the child so they'll always fit. If James happens to have a son, and you don't, be sure to give the little waistcoat to him, will you? Your father concocted a few potions for the pair of you in case the children get too difficult - it'll help you concentrate, or put the baby to sleep for a little.

We wish you the best in all you do, Our little Crook Shanks.

Mum and dad xx

Tears had welled in my eyes. James hugged me, his arms over my shoulders as he stood behind me, staring at the two of us in the mirror. 

"My baby sister, marrying a Marauder." I laughed and shoved him off me, slowly remembering the first letter I had received. I smiled hesitantly. 

I stood at the altar, my eyes dead set on Peter's as he smiled softly. 

"You may kiss the bride." I smiled softly as he gently kissed me in front of our friends and family, a minor group, but still. As we pulled apart and there was everyone celebrating, I kept Peter close to me for a moment, my smile slipping from my lips as I spoke seriously. 

"Kill my brother and I'll kill you." I smiled and gently kissed him. Peter stared at me for a moment. His smile fell and he licked his lips nervously. 

"You know."

"Of course I do, I was just married into that mess." Peter slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, gently tipping my chin up so my eyes met his. 

"What do you mean married into it?" He didn't know, he was unaware of what this meant. He kept a smile on his face as his lips lightly touched mine once more, making it last longer.

"Because I married you, and you're loyal to him, I have to join him, or we're all dead." I watched him swallow thickly, taking my hand and tugging me out of the church very quickly. I let go of his hand for a moment when I spotted my parents. "Just give me a minute." He nodded, smiling softly. I stood in front of my mum. "Thank you for the gifts, they're beautiful." My mother smiled and cautiously pulled me into a hug.

"I'm happy I got to see you wed before we go." I smiled, tears welling in my eyes once more. 

"I love you both, so much."

"We love you too, (N/n)." My dad said and I smiled, hugging him too. 

I stood opposite Peter, my wand drawn as I held my place in the kitchen doorway of my brother's home. 

"I told you, I told you that if you got him killed, I would kill you!"

"I'm your husband-"

"He's my brother! That's my nephew! Blood is thicker than water, Pettigrew." Peter sighed, hanging his head for a moment and rubbing the back of his head. 

"You're making this more difficult than it should be, Crooks, my love."

"If you loved me, you wouldn't be doing this, you wouldn't have dragged me into this-"

"I didn't know I was dragging you into this! He never told me that id I married you, that you would have to join him too!" I stared at him, my gip on my wand faltering as I hesitantly lowered my hand. I adjusted my grip and aimed at him again, reluctant to actually use a spell.

"Tell him you got the address wrong."

"I can't do that, love, that's lying-" I tightened my grip again, clenching my jaw. 

"Do it, lie to him." I stated. "Protect your brother-in-law, your best friend, your nephew!"

"(N/n), we'll be killed-"

"You'll be killed either way. By me, or by Him, it's your choice. Save the lives of five, and yourself, or kill three." Peter tilted his head, his wand limp in his hand by his side. 

"What do you mean five, and me? Prong, Lil and the kid, are three, you and me makes five. But you said six..." I glared at him. 

"Your choice." He sighed and pushed passed me into the garden. I watched as a cloaked figure nodded before turning away, disappearing into a black mist. Peter came back into the house. "What did you say?"

"I said they weren't here." He stated in a bored tone. I smiled a little. 

"You lied."

"I didn't lie." I tilted my head in confusion. "You're not very observant." I shook my head innocently. "They left when we started arguing. They're gone. I don't know where." Peter shrugged. "I didn't lie." He stated with a shrug. I smiled softly, pulling him into a tight hug. 

"Thank you." I pulled him so close to me that he stumbled a little into me, his hand landing on the side of my stomach.

"...Six...? Are you pregnant?" I nodded, hugging him a little tighter. "Why'd you keep it a secret for so long?"

"Who knows what would happen if I He found out..." I pulled away, lightly kissing him. "I didn't want to risk it."

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