Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader {Part 1}

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I forget Remus is (most likely) Welsh sometimes, and found the head canon on TikTok that during his high school career he had a strong accent when he got mad or frustrated. Disclaimer, I'm using google translate for anything Welsh cause fuck no can I speak it, despite living just across the border. Sometimes I like to think he used Welsh terms for things when he learns someone is Welsh so he can speak a bit more comfortably. 

Head-canons used:

- Welsh accent Remus

- Anger issues Remus

A book in my lap, the rain quietly patting against the concrete of the corridor and its 'window' cut-outs. I sat watching as puddles formed, distracting me from my book. The spring peals were gently falling into the water as the wind blew, my legs pulled towards my chest a bit as I sat opposite a doorway into the courtyard. It was so peaceful, all the students in their dorms or down in Hogsmeade for the day. That was until I heard frustrated shouting. 

"Moons, mate, we can't understand a word you're saying!" I saw Remus Lupin walk down the corridor with his friends, clearly frustrated about something. James was cackling, and Sirius was laughing, nudging his brother figure (James) as Peter looked so confused, still trying to figure out what Remus had been saying. Remus groaned as they all walked. 

"It's not that hard, Prongs!" Remus whined, tipping his head back in frustration, offering me a quick smile as the group passed. 

"Noswaith dda."(Good evening) I spoke quietly to the blond, watching him stop in his tracks, his eyes landing on mine. 

"Cymraes wyt ti?" (You're Welsh?) I nodded with a small smile, making a 'little bit' motion with my fingers. "They can't understand my accent when I speak fast or frustrated." A laugh slipped passed my lips as the other three friends turned to us, Remus' hands tucked into his jean pockets. His hair was ruffled and his jumped was a little creased from where they had all been sat down or laying down in their dorm or common room, wherever they had come from. 

"Moony, we got to go-" He held up his hand to shush his friend. 

"If I tell you, can you tell them? You have much less of an accent than me." I nodded with another smile, waiting patiently for him to start speaking. Remus sat beside me on the floor as his friends stared at us as he started talking in- what they considered - gibberish due to his accent. Every now and then I laughed, shifting to close my book as I listened carefully to his story, smiling ass I face him. I nodded and nodded, pursing my lips. His hands making a few little movements and motions as he talked. My hand flew to my mouth to cover a laugh. And Remus finished his story. I sat there with my mouth open in surprise, soon closing it and tucking my hair behind my ear. 

"Come on then, Hufflepuff, what's he on about?" I stared at Remus, still trying to process everything he just told me as he nodded to his friends. 

"Just going to paraphrase...He went out over the summer," I paused, thinking of how to phrase it, "Just a trip into Cardiff with his dad, and...he got into a fight...??" I looked to the blonde to confirm and he nodded, his friends just staring at him, surprised. "Over something stupid...because he'd been drinking with his dad..." Remus nodded again. 

"Bloody mugs, the lot of 'em." I pursed my lips to hide a smile at Remus' words, my heart skipping a beat a little. When his accent showed it just made him that much more attractive. 

"You went out without us?!" Peter cried out, offended as he placed a hand on his heart. 

"And got into a fight?!" Sirius seemed to have his priorities a bit more in place. 

"Did he just call us mugs?" James pulled a face, clearly not understanding what it meant. Remus sighed and looked to me again. 

"Being called a mug is an insult." I laughed. "He's calling you idiots." All three looked offended, mouths agape as I smiled.

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