Marauder's Era: Sirius Black x reader {Part 1}

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Gryffindor tower party. Every single year. Every year, the common room had a silencing charm put on it and the seventh years (after the O.W.L's) would throw a party to celebrate the end of their time at Hogwarts, inviting all seventh years. This year was our turn, the year of the Marauders. 

Lily was occupied with James, Peter and Marlene, so I managed to sneak away from their drunken antics with two fire whiskeys in my hands and headed over to the corner Remus and Sirius were in. All night I hadn't seen Mr Black take a single sip of alcohol. I held one out to the each of them.

"Come on boys, loosen up." The two shared a look and took the cups from my hands. "You're usually sipping alcohol like there's no tomorrow, Black." I bit my lower lip with a flirtatious smile. "Come have some fun." I whispered.

"But there's school tomorrow."

"Remus, relax, our exams are over. There's a feast at lunch then we all get to hang out and go home, who cares if we do that hung over." I nodded in agreement with Sirius as he downed his drink, smirking up at me and standing up to wrap and arm around my waist and facing his best friend.

"Studying has been your life, Rem, it's like when you lift your head from a book we all expect the world to be on fire by then. Loosen up, Remi!" Sirius smiled at my behaviour, trying to get our goody friend to drink something and have fun for once. 

"There's school tomorrow!"

"Remus! You've got us! We suffer through hangovers together! come on!" I begged and he sighed, downing the drink and joining the two of us by Lily and the boys. 

Through out the rest of the night we all continued to drink, get drunk, drunkenly flirt with people and dance with each other alongside the music. We were in a sort of circle with everyone crowding the floor and dancing around to the music as we all screamed the lyrics. I had a cup of fire whiskey, again, in my hand as I danced, holding above my head to scream the lyrics in joy with Lily, the boys happily dancing around us. Remus behind me, Lily to my side, James behind her and Peter by her side while Sirius was in front of me holding my hips closer to his.

We were all having harmless fun, jumping around, laughing, dancing, drinking, so when I woke up the next morning in the bed of Sirius Black, my best friend, I was more than likely going to get dressed as fast as possible and run to my own common room. 

I carefully pried Sirius' arm from my waist and gently set it onto he bed. I heard one of the boys in the room stir in their bed, most likely Remus or Peter since James was sound asleep with Lily in his arms. As I shuffled to get out from under the covers, I finally realised I was completely naked and my legs were incredibly weak. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I grabbed my underwear and slipped both my bra and pants on before rushing to put my jeans on and stumbling enough to hoist a leg up and catch myself on Remus' bedpost, forcing him into a hungover wake.

"Fuck." I whispered, hurrying even more to get the other leg on before buttoning my jeans, Remus noticing me and Peter waking up as I ripped my shirt from beside his bed and grabbing my hoodie from Lily's pile of clothes, accidentally knocking her arm in the midst of my immense rushing. I quickly slipped my shirt on and motioned for Remus and Peter to stay quiet about this. Remus groaned and rolled over, going back to sleep while Peter just shrugged. I slipped my shirt on and grabbed my shoes from wherever they had been scattered last night before yanking open the door and running down the stairs as I slipped on my hoodie, hopping through the common room of passed out students as I pulled on my shoes and pushed open the portrait door and legging it to the Ravenclaw tower. I muttered the answer to the riddle, completely out of breath as I headed in and up to my dorm room finding the sixth year, who I shared it with, sleeping soundly. She stirred at the sound of the door slamming shut and woke up completely to the sound of me rummaging through my suitcase for a clean set of clothes.

"(Y/n)? I thought you were at Gryffindor?"

"I did something and then I ran and he doesn't know. I doubt he remembers, we were too drunk anyway." There was panic in my voice and my roommate, Kathryn, could tell that.

"What happened?" I whipped around to face her.

"I slept with Sirius Black." She stared at me, entirely awake and shocked at the words that had just left my mouth. "The first time I ever do that, and I'm black out drunk with my best friend!" I cried, dropping onto my knees in front of my trunk. Kathryn hopped out of bed and crouched next to me, rubbing her hand over my back and shoulders. "Remus and Peter saw me leave, but I think Remus is too hungover and Peter I think agreed to stay quiet about me sneaking out, but I don't know!" Kathryn pulled me into a hug and just held me for a while as I cried.

After we had concluded that my little breakdown was over, we changed into our own clothes and made sure we were all packed up before heading down to the Great Hall for the feast. I found my way to the Ravenclaw table, a little late, and walked passed the Gryffindor table, even happening to meet the eyes of Sirius Black who looked away from his conversation with James just in time to catch my eyes. Everything felt like it slowed down as his eyes followed me. My gaze fell and I continued to head towards my house's table, seating myself with fellow seventh years.

"Tough time with Black?" I shrugged, glancing over to the boys and noticing James was talking to Sirius in a hushed whisper.

The train ride back to London was painfully long considering I was sat in a compartment on my own because I didn't want to be found by any of the Marauders and co, so I tried to stay away from the awkward situation. When we had actually arrive in London, I had spotted my bags on a trolley and took my bag from my side and slung it over my shoulder, exiting the train and over to my trolley. It wasn't until long when I heard someone call my name. I looked around and my eyes fell onto Sirius, just as my parents appeared behind me. A hand settled on my shoulder and I whipped around, finally seeing the people who conceived me. I sent Sirius an apologetic look as James joined him and my dad took my trolley, my mother urging me to follow.

"You've got to talk to her at some point, Pads."

"I would if she wasn't avoiding me, Prongsy."

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