Deathly Hallows: Draco Malfoy x reader ✔️

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Malfoy manor, it was such a drab, bland and fairly dark building. There was always this aura about it that made me feel uneasy, but as soon as the snatchers appeared with three new arrivals, my stomach churned to the point where I was unsure if I had indeed made the right choice. My instinct had always been to follow my parents, follow what my heart said...that's what they always told me, that's why I joined Voldemort's side of this war. Draco was on that side because he was a Malfoy and the Malfoy's were loyal to to the Dark Lord. I had always been with Draco, I could always be found with him no matter the time of day. We'd been friends since our first year and had started dating in our fifth year, so my instinct and heart told me to stay with him, but now I wasn't so sure. Right now as the classic Golden Trio stood in front of us, I wasn't sure I had made the right choice.
Narcissa Malfoy as well as Lucius were also present with Bellatrix Lestrange while I stood with Draco. In his hand he held Ron, Harry and Hermione's wands with his own in his other hand. Hermione had a knife to her throat as Bellatrix held her in place. My breath got caught in my throat and I felt my stomach drop. Despite the side I had chosen in this war, I was a proud Gryffindor and was happy to have formerly shared a room with Miss Granger. From the corner of the girl's eyes, I could see her looking at me, pleading for my help but I could bring myself to raise my wand, all I could do was tighten my grip around the wood with a shaky inhale. There was a small, almost unnoticeable, squeak above us and I lifted my head to look up, finding a familiar house elf beginning to unscrew the chandelier above us. He spotted me and I smiled, taking a small step back with a nod as he continued. The relief in Hermione's eyes when she spotted Dobby was relieving for myself, she had calmed down and had a sense of hope fill her body again as her eyes lit up. Now everyone was looking up. I stood on Draco's left and felt my fingers lightly graze over the wands of the trio, something the blonde didn't notice. As the chandelier fell, Hermione was shoved over to Ron and Harry and within the commotion, I snatched their wands from Draco's hand, whipping around with my own wand drawn and my breath shaky.

"Traitor!" Bellatrix's shrill voice screamed throughout the room as everyone turned to face me instead of the Trio.

"(Y/n), give us the wands-" Narcissa's motherly voice spoke to me in a calm tone, something which highly contradicted her facial expression. Draco stared at me in surprise but also seemed a little heartbroken and tearful. My expression told Narcissa that I would not be doing as she pleased for once, I was going to follow my heart and instincts, I was going to do the right thing.

"You're the traitors!" The Malfoy's stared at me in surprise, every single follower of the Dark Lord was staring at me in surprise, I was dubbed his most loyal follower because I was so obedient, so willing to do as he wished... "You're traitors to the entire Wizarding world! You betrayed everyone so you could join Voldemort and commit mass genocide on everyone but His followers! Your blood purity belief makes me sick!" Fenir tried to take steps to attack me but was knocked back by an incredibly powerful spell originating from my wand. "The Weasley's are good people! So were the Potters! But that stupid rat got them killed! He got my parents killed! Why in the ever living fuck did I choose this side?!" I shouted, tears threatening to fall as I let everything come out.

"(Y/n), you're considered a Malfoy in the Wizarding community, this entire stunt is damaging our name!" My eyes met Lucius' and my expression fell into nothing, nothing but neutral.

"I'm, a, Potter. I will never, never, take the Malfoy name after everything you've done to make people fear it!" I took careful steps backwards towards the trio, Dobby and one other. I felt a small hand on my shoulder before being apparated to another location. The last thing I happened to see was the heartbreak in Draco's eyes.

The next time I saw my blonde boyfriend was during the battle of Hogwarts, well right at the end of it when sides had to be chosen, when Harry was pronounced as 'dead'. I bolted down the corridors of the castle and appeared in the courtyard just in time as Lucius was harshly whispering for his son to join them. I grabbed Draco's blazer sleeve, forcing him to turn around. His eyes met mine mere nano-seconds before my lips met his.

"I love you, asshole." I let my grip relax so he could choose his side as I took a step back. I watched as he looked over to his parents, who were staring at him, waiting for him to make the choice they wanted. He looked back to me and then back to them. Just as I turned around to walk away, an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to their side. Draco kept his arm around me and stared at his parents, his wand tightly gripped in his other hand. His attention shifted to me and I let his eyes meet mine, his lips settling gently on my own.

"I love you too..."

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