Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader

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Holding a bouquet of flowers in my hands, I waited for the front door of the house to be opened, and to my surprise, it didn't take lone. When the door was opened, I was greeted by the sight of a thin, blonde woman. I simply offered her a sad smile as she looked me up and down.

"You must be Petunia Evans, Lily's sister?" She nodded and I held out my hand for her as she held a baby on her hip. With her free hand she shook mine, mildly confused. "I'm terribly sorry to drop by like this, but I was told you were planning Lily and James' funeral, and I was wondering if I could be of any help?"

"Why would you want to help plan a funeral?" There was crying from a second child elsewhere in the house. "Vernon! Could you quiet Dudley?!" She turned back to me and I smiled softly.

"James was my brother-"

"I see, you must be like them then-"

"Quite the opposite actually, I'm a squib." She stared at me, more confused now than before. "I'm a non-magical child born to magical parents." She slowly nodded, hesitantly stepping aside for me to enter the house. As hesitantly as she had stepped aside, I stepped over the threshold.

"Would you like some tea?"

I hummed and nodded with a smile, following her into the kitchen.

"That's be lovely."

"I'll put those in some water." I handed her the flowers as she handed me the child in her arms.

"Is this Harry?" As Petunia filled the vase she turned to me in surprise.

"You haven't met him?" I shook my head, gently bouncing him in my arms as he giggle, trying to grab my hair.

"Lily and James died before I had the chance. We agreed that I'd meet him after they were used to caring for another person..." I heard the tap shut off as the base was set down and the kettle began to boil.

"Follow me to the sitting room, it's where I'm planning."

And so I did, finding leaflets and images with a notebook sprawled across the coffee table, Harry finally grasping my hair.

"Lilies..." I quietly laughed to myself, fondly. "How fitting..." I looked up from the pages to Petunia. "Might I suggest some Dahlia's too?"

"Why Dahlia's?"

"James was quite fond of them." Little did she know he was only fond of them because deers liked to eat them. I smiled softly as she nodded, jotting it down before heading into the kitchen to make out tea's. I took a seat on the sofa, gently sitting Harry in my lap. "Hi, little one." I smiled, lightly poking his cheek, causing him to giggle and swat my hand away. "Do you know who I am?"

"Anty (N/n)!" I stared at him in pleasureful surprise. He knew who I was?

"Who told you that?"

"Daddy, Paddy, Moomy!" Paddy and Moomy...?

"What about Mummy?" Harry shook his head, holding his arms up for me to cuddle him, so I lifted him from my lap and held him to my chest, gently resting my head on his as Petunia walked back in, setting my tea on the table in front of me.

"Where would you prefer the funeral be held?" I looked over to her as she asked the question.

"Godric's Hollow. They were living there and planned to raise Harry there....I think it's only fitting they remain there..." Petunia nodded and jotted the location down.

"And invites?" I thought for a moment. My mind was at a blank. I shrugged sadly.

"I don't know who their friends were, only by name. Do you?" She nodded a little and shrugged.

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