Marauder's Era: Sirius Black x reader ✔️

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Sitting with Lily was always interesting during library, despite our houses never really communicating. Yes, I was a Hufflepuff while my best friend and seat-mate was in the ever so wonder Gryffindor house. Lily was staring across the room while I was writing down notes for the upcoming exams.

"Hey (Y/n), do you know what's up with Siriu-"

"Not a clue, sorry." I never let my eyes leave my page as the ink started to dry, word after word.

"(Y/n), you know something."

"I know nothing. I haven't spoken to Sirius in weeks." Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lily bite her lip in thought and share a look with James Potter. Beside Peter I could see Remus glancing at the dark haired boy with his face buried in his arms. James was sat on the desk just off to the side of his best friend.

"Look, I just don't feel like being in detention today at all, Prongs-"

"What?!!" Lily nudged my arm and nodded over to the boys.

"I'm just sleepy, dude-"

"Who are you and what did you do with my best friend?!" Madam Pince had now taken notice of the presence of the Marauders and was staring down her glasses at them. Lily nudged my arm again, how're a little harder this time. I gave up on my work and slammed my book closed along with my textbook.

"I don't know anything! Lay off, Evans!" The muggle-born witch stared at me in surprise as I took deep breaths to calm myself down, the four trouble making - but three of our smartest - boys had also taken notice and turned to see what was going on. "I'm sorry, I have to go."
After I had gathered my things and stuffed them into my bag, as I passed the boys, my eyes met those of Sirius Black. I turned my head and kept walking, ignoring the hurt look on his face. I was met in the corridor by a very familiar Slytherin, who had arranged (during potions) to go over some notes he was missing that apparently only I was willing to give him.
"Regulus, shall we head to dinner?"

"(Y/n), what about Amortentia?" I had taken a seat at the Slytherin table today having needed to discuss notes with Regulus, who was in the year below his brother and myself. As usual I was welcomed to it due to the fact I was a pure-blood from a highly respected family in the community, the Gaunt's, my father being the one and only Morfin Gaunt when he was aged 34, now around the age of his late 50's. My father, despite me not having been sorted into the Slytherin house, loved me more than anything, even pure-blood status.

"It's the most powerful love potion in existence. It also causes an intense infatuation or obsession from the drinker." I paused, trying to think of another couple of things about it. "Oh! It has a mother-of-pearl sheen and a characteristic spiral of steam."

"And..." regulus eared and I bit my lip, still trying to think of the final thing I had noted down.

"It smells different to each person based on the things the drinker finds most attractive! Even if they aren't aware of their fondness to the object of their affection!"

"Perfect! Now, what are the ingredients?"

"Ashwinder Eggs, Rose thorns, Peppermint, Powdered moonstone, Pearl dust and..."

"Come on, I gave you some last week."
As I spoke my voice came out strained and questioning.

"Rose..." Regulus nodded for me to keep going.

"'Rose'...what do roses have?"

"Rose petals?" He nodded and I smiled, relaxing where I sat, having finished my dinner before Reg had asked about Amortentia.

"Well done, my darling." I felt his lips press to my temple as he pulled me into his side. A smile graced my features as I leaned into his body, releasing a troubled and shaky breath.

Third Person POV
From the Gryffindor table Sirius watched the exchange between his brother and you, his jaw clenched tightly.

"Are you not in the mood to cause trouble because baby brother got a girlfriend?" Sirius never let his eyes leave you, but due to his staring he had begun to notice things he hadn't noticed before. Your skin had grown paler and you seemed to look a little sickly. A thought struck the boy and he sat up straight.

"Moony, you've got your potions notes with you, right mate?" The known werewolf dug into his blazer pocket and pulled out a familiar small black book, which he handed Sirius, although confused.

"Why do ya need it, Pads?"

"I have a feeling something's not right..."

And he was correct, something was indeed not right. Something in the Wizarding school of Hogwarts was askew and now that he had notes, Sirius knew why.

Your POV
After dinner had progressed, Sirius had found Regulus and I in the courtyard with a few other Slytherin's.

"You! You absolute bloody, buggering Twat!" I looked up from the group to see Sirius being followed hastily by the Marauders and Lily Evans, even Peter was a little uneasy. Regulus stood up and took steps toward his older brother.

"And what have I done?"

"You fucking used a love potion on her!" Everyone was silent, even I as I stood up and headed over to the two arguing brothers. My eyes met Sirius', however glazed over and dull as he approached me with a vial in his hand. "My darling..." His voice was soft and he placed a hand on my waist. "Drink this, please, come back to me...I'm miserable without you." I didn't shake nor nod my head. Regulus chuckled and shook his head.

"The only way you're getting her to drink it is if you can force it down her throat." Sirius popped open the vial. "And you really can't manage that, she won't let you."

"Oh little brother, how you underestimate my talents. Trust me when I say, I've had practice." Padfoot poured the colourless liquid into his own mouth before pressing his lips against mine, prying them apart as best he could by biting my lower lip and then using his tongue. The liquid of the potion slipped passed my lips and into the cavern of my mouth, Sirius' eyes met mine once more and they were more demanding than ever, but he muttered words I was familiar with. "Swallow for me, Princess?" On instinct, I did. The boy pulled away from me and took a step back, letting me have room to collect myself. I looked back at Regulus, who sent me a smile, while when I looked over to Sirius he just looked heartbroken, a hand rubbing across the back of his neck. Without a second thought, I went up to Sirius and pressed my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I dont know if I could handle much longer under that potion with your brother, I much prefer you." Sirius was quick to kiss me again but a little more forceful this time. "Miserable without me, when'd you get soft?"

"When I lost you to that idiot and a love potion..."

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