Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader ✔️

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I'm sorry this is so bad xx

"Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2AM?"
My roommates weren't exactly some people fond of me. I was loud and outgoing, always sneaking out after curfew and getting back late, accidentally waking them up in the process. So today, as I left after curfew on this cold evening, I apologised to my roommates by offering them an apologetic smile while slipping my shoes on quickly.
"Just a heads up, I should be back earlier tonight, around twelve or one." The group of three other girls looked at me as I slipped out of the room before going back to the homework or reading they were doing. I was quick to venture down the stairs into the common room, making sure to keep quiet but struggling due to my heels clicking against the stairs. In the common room I found four familiar boys. Sirius Black, the one who orchestrated these usual nights out every few days. James Potter, the one who's idea these little trips had actually been. Remus Lupin, the one who tried to talk us out of it. And the underestimated or thought much shorter than the rest of us, Peter Pettigrew, who was actually so much more lively than usual. In actuality Peter wasn't very far off being James' height, I was only a couple inches shorter than Potter anyway. I smiled to the boys and was stared down by Sirius, letting him take my hand and elegantly twirl me so he could get a gander at all of me.
"Mhm! Lookin fine as ever, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes with the same smile, poking my tongue out from between my teeth a tiny bit.
"Thank you, shall we all go?" The boys glanced to Remus who shrugged and relaxed back into his seat with his book. "I guess Rem isn't coming tonight?" James shook his head and ushered the rest of us out of the common room as quickly and quietly as possible, tonight was without the invisibility cloak.
Usually during our night out, we'd all go to the Hogsmeade train station and then apparate to the nearest town with a nightclub. About half an hour to an hour after getting there we would head our separate ways and then head back to Hogwarts and safely back to our dorms without getting noticed by any staff.

Third person POV
12:45 on the dot, all three of the Marauders were outside the club waiting for the final member of their outing group. Peter sent a wary look to Sirius who shared the same look with James and James to Peter.
"Where is she? She's usually the first of us out." Despite how drunk they were, they knew something was wrong, something wasn't right. Perhaps she had just gone back early, apparated back to the school, or found a hook up for the night.
"Sirius, maybe she's already gone back to school." Peter's argument had a point, but Sirius' best friend instincts had kicked him right in the chest, telling him something wasn't right. Something was wrong, very very wrong.

That next morning the girls woke up to Lily sat on her bed chewing her lip and biting her nails as she stared out of the window, worry very evident in her eyes.
"Lily, are you okay?" Mary rounded the red head's bed and took a seat beside her, rubbing her back in an attempt to comfort in this unknown reason.
"I-I-, (Y/n), she never came back to the dorms." Alice and Mary shared a worried glance before changing for the day and getting ready, urging Lily to do the same and not to worry, sure that their roommate would turn up within the day.

However they were wrong, oh so wrong. Dinner rolled around and the three hadn't seen a single glimmer of (Y/n) all day. As the three settled into their seats, discussing the events of the day, the Marauders took the seats opposite or next to them. Obviously James took his seat next to fellow Head, Head girl Lily Evans and his adoring girlfriend, quickly picking up on her jittering leg under the table.
"You alright love?" She nodded with a shaky breath and mild fake smile. Finally one of the three roommates mustered up the courage to ask the boys. It was Alice.
"Have any of you guys seen (Y/n) today?" All four shook their heads after glancing at each other confused.
"No, don't think so. Why? Something happened?" Alice, Lily and Mary swallowed thickly, faces filled with worry.
"We haven't seen her all day." The shake in Mary's voice was almost painful to listen to as she switched her attention to play with her food.
"You share a dorm with her. You must have seen her this morning." The sound in this boys voice was a sound barely ever heard from Sirius' mouth. Worry, almost panicked, but not very noticeable.
"That's the thing..." Remus kept his head down, flicking his food around the plate with a fork, glancing at his book every now and then. "She never came back last night." Finally he looked up when Lily spoke again. "She said she'd be back half twelve maybe one. I-I was up anyway so I decided to wait for her, ask her how the night went." Tears had started to fill her eyes. "As soon as it turned two, I knew something had happened. She's always back before whenever she says. So I stayed up all night, she never turned up." James pulled his girlfriend into his side and hugged her close as she tried not to cry.
"Lily, maybe you should tell McGonagall?" Mary rubbed her best friend's back as she shrugged at Peter's question. Remus slouched slightly, taking notice of Sirius' gaze on him.
"How do you feel about this, Moony mate? I know you like (Y/n), now no one knows where she is." The sandy blonde shrugged with a fake but sad smile.
"To be honest, I'm worried, I'm scared to know if she's okay. She's been our best friend for years, she's- I know she can look after herself but I just can't help it." Sirius nodded in agreement .
How long had it been again? He told me the date just yesterday...okay so I went out October 12th and what was it now? I think I was told it was the 30th yesterday, so it's Halloween...
My legs recoiled into my chest as my arms were behind my back and I shuffled to press my back against the wall. Considering it was late at night, it was fairly dark in this specific room, especially since there were no windows. There were a few lights hanging from the intricate ceiling but I was not focused on those, I was focused on the teenage boy who stood in front of the door which gradually disappeared into the wall. My heart began to beat faster. A small whimper left my throat upon him coming nearer to me. My arms weren't just behind my back, they were tied there and so were my ankles together. A large grey piece of tape was covering my lips. I let my back hit the stones, the cold material pressing against my skin. He crouched in front of me and brought his hand to my cheek, watching me flinched away from him ever so slightly, the smallest glimmer of hurt crossing his face. His fingers lightly traced my jaw before going to gently pull the tape from my mouth. I sniffled slightly and he wiped away the small amount of tears. A name tried to escape me but my words got caught in my throat, so I just shook my head, leaning back slightly.
"Come on, (N/n), you know you can trust me..." His eyes met mine and I slowly nodded. "Then trust me." I tore my eyes away from his and choked on a whimper.
"I-I can't..." My words were shaky but audible and I watched the familiar brown eyes scrunch together in confusion.
"What? Why?"
"You drugged me with chloroform in the middle of the night, brought me here, and tied me up in the room of requirement! Why should I trust you?!" I felt his hands on my jaw as he knelt on the floor in front of me.
"(Y/n), darling, I did it because I love you. I want you to be mine and no one else's. I want you for myself." His hands were soft despite all the work he did in and out of school. A strand of hair fell from behind my shoulder, only for it to be tucked behind my ear by the one and only.
"You did it because you're obsessed." My voice cracked, my entire body tempting me to cry again.
"I'm not obsessed..." He played with that strand of hair. "I just fell in love with an amazing girl and want her to myself."
" could have just asked me out, I would have said yes..." I shifted to sit on my knees, letting my eyes meet his chocolate brown ones yet again. "I'm not so sure now...I mean, maybe...but..." A sudden flick of vulnerability flashed through his eyes.
"No, no, please, one chance, that is all I want, please (Y/n). I knew you wouldn't have before because, well, I'm me and no one would like me and I just-" My hands were tied and I had no way of shutting him up, knowing that once this boy got into rambling, you could not stop him, so I kissed him. Immediately he shut up and stared at me with wide eyes a couple seconds before I pulled away and ran my tongue over my bottom lip.
"Just shut up and untie me. Nineteen days, okay, I give up, I'll do it, I'll date you, only if you let me out of here. I won't tell anyone of this obsessive side of you or what's happened." He nodded in agreement and happily but gently pulled my legs toward him, elegantly undoing the knots and removing the ropes. I turned my back to him and he carefully untied the ones around my wrists, almost hesitantly.
"(Y-Y/n)...I-I'm sorry...I just, you were with them all the time, you were always going out with them-"
"Remus. Get me a clean set of clothes, take me to the common room and we can pretend like nothing happened." He nodded frantically, looking like he wanted to cry. I smiled sadly, tears already streaming down my cheeks as he got up and left.

Everyone was at the Halloween dinner and here I was, learning to get comfortable around Remus again, although it didn't take long once we were sat on the sofa in front of the fire. I had a book in my lap with my legs tucked into me while Remus had pulled me into his lap, arms around my waist, chin on my shoulder, occasionally pressing little kisses to my neck as he also read over the words on my pages.
"I can't believe you did that."
"Come on, I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to go to Sirius or some other prat, like Snivellus!" I rolled my eyes and turned my head, quickly pecking his cheek.
"Lil, no one's seen her in two and a half weeks, I don't think-" the Marauders and my wonderful roommates walked into the room "...Remus has seen her..." James finished his sentence as the group just stared at us.
"Or maybe he has..."
"(Y/n)!!" Sirius and Lily screamed before launching themselves onto the sofa, making me scream a little and recoiled into Remus as they hugged me. I hid my wrists in the large jumper I wore, which happened to be Remus' which I stole after having a shower, after all the marks from the ropes were still visible.
"Uhm, hey?" Even I could feel Remus' glare, so obviously the two it was directed at would feel like it was burning through their bodies.
"Miss (L/n)! Where have you been!?" McGonagall had trailed into the room behind the group and Remus and I just kind of stared at her, simultaneously trying to come up with an excuse.
"Oh, I-I-Uhm," I glanced back at Remus who just shrugged. "Forbidden Forest...I was a bit too dr- tired and kind of wandered off and out of the castle. I guess I got a bit lost and ended up in a town and then basically just kind of got lost and went missing..." Remus' arms tightened around my waist and he almost unnoticeable buried part of his face into my neck.
"Could you tell me why Mister Lupin wasn't at dinner?" My words got stuck in my throat and I couldn't think of an excuse.
"I found her in the corridors earlier and stuck with her to make sure she was okay."

"(Y/n)...?" I rolled over in my bed as I heard Lily's voice. Despite the fact that it was a night I usually went out with the boys, I had stayed in to try and reconnect with the girls. I gave a hum in response.
"Where were you actually?"
"..." I contemplated my answer, but settled for the vague truth. "Tied up in the room of requirement." All three of my roommates sat up in their beds, I heard them do so.

The boys were in a similar situation.
"Hey Moony...a couple weeks ago, why'd you need chloroform at 2AM?" The werewolf stayed quiet, really trying to think of an excuse but smoking ut empty handed. He was not expecting James to ask as much as he had.
"I was bored, wanted to play around with something."
"Was it called (Y/n)?" Remus sat up, finding the Marauders all already sat up, Sirius staring at him after he had spoken.
"Night you wanted it, my little sister went missing. What'd you do?" The blonde stared at his best friends in utter bewilderment.
"I didn't do anything!"
The door to their room suddenly swung open to reveal three very familiar seventh year girls, a quiet and nervous one behind them. Lily completely ignored James' greeting and went straight to Remus.
"The hell is wrong with you?! I thought you were the normal one out of you lot!" The Marauders stared at her, Remus' eyes snapped over to me. I shook my head as I swallowed, swearing I hadn't said a thing. "You knew where she was! You knew she had come back to the castle that night! You bloody knew everything!" Remus shuffled forward in his bed and stood up. "You knew exactly what happened because you bloody did it!"
"I didn't do anything, Evans." His voice was scarily calm and I shrunk back over to Peter a little bit. "The only thing I did was stay behind because the girl I fell in love with went out with three of my best friends. If that's doing something to her, let me know. I'll do it again." The two had a stare down for a couple seconds.
"Lily, drop it, okay? It doesn't matter!"
"You went missing for 19 days! It does matter!"
I finally snapped.
"Fine! You want to fucking know what bloody happened?!" Remus stared at me, warning me not to, but I didn't care anymore. "Remus got sick of me going out almost every night! So before I could even leave to come back he bloody drugged me! Okay?!" The six friends of mine stared at me and then Rem. "Two and a half weeks was how long I was tied up in the fucking Room of requirement! You know what I realised?! This school is full of shit! It's fake! Fake people and friends!" I took a deep breath. "Listen to me Evans, if you're going to cry about me because I went missing, make sure you haven't hated me for the passed two years, maybe then I'd give a damn instead of doing this." My one arm wrapped around Remus' neck and my other hand rest on his bare chest as I pressed my lips to his, pulling him down to my height when he quickly returned the gesture.
"Wait. So he basically kidnaps her for three weeks, so she keeps it a secret and makes out with him?" Sirius spoke in disbelief. "Maybe I should use that..."

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