Goblet of Fire: Cedric Diggory ✔️

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My laugh echoed around the kitchen as I was supposed to be getting ready however instead I dancing around while Cedric sat on a chair watching me in amusement.

"Come on, Darling, we've got to get going!"

"But Ced!" I looked over my shoulder at him, dressed in one of his larger t-shirts which he loved seeing me in oh so much. The fabric rose up my thighs as I spun around to face my boyfriend.

"Come on, gorgeous, we have to get ready! Dad'll want to leave soon."

"But Cedriicc!" He chuckled and grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled me between his legs to place a very quick kiss to my lips.

"Quidditch World Cup, my dear." I sighed, dramatically looping my arms over his shoulders and leaning my body into his, letting my forehead rest against his. Instinctively in my giggly mood, I let my fingers lightly trace his jaw and kissed him for the second time this morning.

"Cedric~" A small squeal escaped me when Cedric swiftly pulled the shirt over my head to reveal my matching set of underwear. I playfully shoved his chest.

"Will you go change now?"

"Fine, but only because I know you love Quidditch...and you're my favourite seeker."

An hour and a half later and Amos, Cedric and I were hiking through the woods to meet up with some friends Ced had from school and Amos' co-worker at the ministry. Just to clarify, I attended Beauxbatons and was visiting England over the summer. Cedric's arm was wrapped around my shoulders, keeping me near him at all times, he was the protective and cuddly kind of boyfriend and I absolutely loved it.
The two of us were sat up in the tree when the other half of the group arrived, a surprising amount, there was seven all together. Five with fiery red hair, one light brunette and one dark brunette.

"Arthur! It's about time, son!" I smiled at the exchange between the two fathers.

"Sorry Amos! Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." The red haired man looked back at the boy who yawned, who I could only assume was his son. "This, is Amos Diggory, everyone!" Amos sent them a smile, tilting his head up a little with a minor nod. "Works with me at the ministry." Just as Arthur reached the Diggory, my boyfriend dropped down to beside his father and I let out a small giggle. "This strapping young man must be Cedric, am I right?"

"Yes, sir." The two shook hands as a greeting and Cedric looked up to me, I shook my head, not wanting to jump down in the damned skirt I wore. The two girls of the group below shared a smile and knowing look as well as a nod.

"Didn't you say there'd be three of you?"

"She'll join us soon enough." The group were quick to proceed with the walk, leaving Cedric to lag behind. "You coming down yet?"

"Only if you catch me." His bag was tossed onto the ground beside him and I dropped mine down to him, which soon joined his.

"Come on then." My laugh mixed with a small scream when Cedric's arms looped under my knees and behind my back. We quickly grabbed our bags before Ced was taking my hand and we ran to catch up with the others i caught sight of the only dark haired boy in the group and immediately recognised him.

"Is that-?" My boyfriend nodded with another smile filled with amusement, just like this morning. The two girls from earlier were talking together and glancing back at me every now and then. "Who are they?"

"That, is the smartest girl in fourth year. Her name's Hermione Granger." I nodded in understanding and then pointed to the ginger girl next to her. "Youngest Weasley, I think. Pretty sure her name's Ginny." I nodded again as Cedric continued to list the final four children accompanying us all to the World Cup. "The twins are Fred and George, they're Gryffindor's beaters. Then that's Ron, the youngest son of the Weasley's, and then walking with him is Harry Potter, Gryffindor's seeker." My lips quickly touched his cheek as I thread my fingers between his.

"You're still my favourite seeker." He chuckled and stopped walking for a moment to press his lips to mine.

"Love you too."
"Cedric, for the last time I won't play quidditch."

"Good, I just don't want my amazing girlfriend getting hurt from such a brutal sport." I laughed and playfully shoved his chest as his arms trapped me against the kitchen counter.

"Oh? But my adoring boyfriend can play it and risk getting hurt?" The brunette nodded and quickly kissed my lips.

"Because I'm your favourite seeker." I hummed in appreciation and kissed him again, although a little longer than the kiss he had gifted me.

"Right, Uh huh, maybe that Harry Potter should be my new favourite...I mean I wouldn't want my boyfriend hurting himself during a game, so if he stopped playing, I could find a new favourite..." Cedric hummed in thought but shook his head.

"Not this year, my darling." I pouted and turned my head before he could kiss me again. "Fine then, let's make a deal." I turned my head a little to look at him when his lips met my neck.

"You come to my school for the year, don't go to Hogwarts." If he went this year, I knew what was going to happen. It's this weird power I was born with, I could see into the future, like loved ones kind of death future. And if Ced went this year he would die for sure. Cedric was quiet and buried his face into my neck.

"(Y/n), I can't just abandon my school work for a year-"

"Cedric, you'll die if you don't, I just don't want you dying, please Ceddy..." The one thing to catch his attention and make him look up to meet my eyes was the desperation in my voice. "Please, I'll talk to the headmaster, we have the same curriculum as you, you'll just be in a different building...in a different country." He could see how much I'd rather have him with me this school year than at Hogwarts.

"A month before school ends, how does that sound?" I nodded, pressing my lips to his.

"I'll come get you if you don't. June 3rd, I don't care what you're doing, I'll meet you at Hogwarts..." Cedric nodded with a content smile.
One of the Professors had spotted me as I wandered the corridors of the beautiful school.

"Excuse me, can I help you in any way?" I hummed and shook my head with a smile.

"Oh! I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I've just come to find Cedric, we made an agreement." She nodded and escorted me to the headmasters office where I was left before being rejoined with her and Cedric after 10 minutes.

"Ah, Mister Diggory, I hear you're leaving us for France tonight?" My boyfriend awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and nodded.

"I am, yeah. Better than dying apparently."

"Would you rather die?" Cedric shook his head upon hearing my voice behind him.

"Definitely not, I want to spend as much time as I can, with you." I smiled and joined him at the desk in front of his headmaster.

"Miss (L/n), I hear you can see into the future, is that what's prompted you to be here today?" I nodded.

"Yes, you see, as I remember it, Cedric is to die during the final task of the triwizard tournament and I'd rather he didn't." Dumbledore nodded.

"Very well, you may leave if you so wish."

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