Just after Deathly Hallows: Draco Malfoy ✔️

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In someone else's eyes, seventh year started off ridiculously for me

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In someone else's eyes, seventh year started off ridiculously for me. I was 17 and I was playing hide-and-seek-tag on the Hogwarts Express. As a Ravenclaw, it is odd to be seen absolutely legging it through the very small corridors of the train. I could hear my favourite Slytherin talking to a group of sixth years down the train behind me. I slid open the door to the compartment nearest to me and slipped into it, finding the lovely golden trio and sending them a smile as I dropped onto the free seat beside my fellow muggle-born.

"What are you doing...?" Hermione and I had grown up as neighbours, living only a couple of houses down from each other. Technically we were like sisters. The door soon opened to reveal the lovely Draco Malfoy, his eyes immediately landing on me. I smiled and climbed over the seat behind Hermione when Draco came for me, easily getting out of the room without him touching me.

"And I, win again." The bow was mocking but caused the smallest of smirked to cross his lips when I screamed, smiling as I started running again, even further down the train.
In the distance, I could see the castle, turning around to see that Draco had spotted the same, stopping where he was and groaning. Yet another year at Hogwarts playing this game and he had been outsmarted by this wonderful Ravenclaw. My smile and energy was yet to disappear, so I ran back up to him, jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist, his one arm instinctively going around my waist while the other had hooked under my thigh and ass to keep me up. I cupped my right hand around the back of his head, threading my fingers into his bleach hair, and pulled his lips to meet mine, letting my free hand rest on his jaw. When I pulled away, I tugged at his bottom lip, keeping it between my teeth for a second.

"That's four years..." His little pout was adorable and I pecked his lips.

"You won the first three, plus we still have Christmas and when we finish." Draco set me back on my feet and I let my hands drop to meet his.

"Go back to your friends, I'll see you later." I wrapped my arms around his neck as I leaned against his chest, looking up at him.

"But we can see now..." The blonde chuckled and this time pecked my lips.


"I'm your smartass." He shook his head and detached my arms, spinning me around and gently pushing me down the train towards my housemates, however he also took the chance to slap my ass. "Draco!" All he did was wink at me, that smug smirk now on his lips as I laughed, shocked at his behaviour.

In the Great Hall, all while McGonagall was greeting us all to the new academic year, Draco and I kept sharing looks and pulling faces at each other. However McGonagall spotted me staring distantly across the room at Draco who poked his tongue out at me.

"Miss (L/n)." I instantly looked away from him and to our headmistress. "I advise you behave at this moment. There is an important announcement." Everyone was snow completely intrigued about what this news was. "For the seventh years, you will be pleased to know that Head boy and Head girl have been decided." Mandy Brocklehurst, Isobel MacDougal and I looked over to Michael Corner, one of our best friends, we were all a bit sceptical about this, knowing McGonagall favoured the golden trio. "For Head boy, Draco Malfoy." The four of us were beyond surprised, we were expecting Harry or Neville, not Draco. Slytherin burst into a round of cheers and applause, while other houses only gave a meek applause. Draco looked directly over to me, just as surprised but also seeming to let his ego inflate. I rolled my eyes with a smile, silently urging him to just accept it. "And this years Head girl is (Y/n) (L/n)." And that's when everyone was shocked. The Weasley Twins needed someone to continue their legacy at Hogwarts, and for the past two years I have been one-upping their previous pranks. All the students knew it was me, but not a single teacher did. I didn't do anything extra-curricular and my grades were just above average, if you add in the amount of times I've been caught out after curfew by other prefects....so how in the hell did I manage to get Head girl. I stared at McGonagall.

"I'm sorry, what?"
"Yo, Dracooo!" The blonde turned around when I called his name, Blaise turning too.

"(Y/n), I have a question." I stared at my boyfriend as I walked over to them, stopping in front of them.

"What's up?"

"How do I politely tell someone that I want to hit them in the face with a brick several times?" Blaise and I stared at him, wondering who pissed him off.

"Baby, who pissed you off this early in the year?" The blonde just stared at me, waiting for my answer. "Fine." I cleared my throat. "One wishes to acquaint your facial structure with a rigidly edged object fundamentally used in the construction of walls, repeatedly." Blaise sighed, already used to our antics, but also still surprised at my answer.

"That was poetry..."

"That was a cry from therapy for the both of you." I swatted Blaise's arm, making him snicker, Draco taking my hand and pulling me into his side. I felt a snarky comment coming up.

"Well would you like to be our therapist? Mental...." I paused, winking to Blaise and kissing my boyfriend. "...or otherwise...I'll see you guys in class."

"Your girlfriend's hot." There was a moment of silence before Blaise cried out. "Ow! Son of a—"

"Like you said, my girlfriend, back of Zabini."

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