Marauders Era: Peter Pettigrew x reader {Part 2}

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"Come on, (N/n)!" I stood from the dinner table and followed Marnie once again, not even questioning it any more. "That was easy..." I shrugged as we passed the Gryffindor table.

"You told me to loosen up..." My fingers gently brushed over the back of Peter's shoulders as we passed him, leaving a lingering touch on the back of his neck - noticed by how he tipped his head forward as my fingertips lightly passed over his skin, so he could rest his chin on his interlocked fingers, his elbows resting on the table. "So I did..."

"You sly bitch..." Marnie laughed to herself, quietly proud of me.

"Holy shit, you're seeing her now?" Sirius' voice piped up and I felt eyes on me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Peter watching me, the sweetest look on his face, his cheek resting against his laced hands.

"Yeah..." I smiled back to him before turning to follow my friend out of the hall. "She's an absolute Angel..."

"Opposite to you then." James laughed, nudging his friend.

"You're seeing him? Like you guys are together now?" I shrugged a little bit, playing with my tie.

"Sort of?" She turned to me, walking backwards so we could talk as she walked.

"What do you mean 'sort of'?"

"I don't know...we haven't said anything about it...we've just kind of been sleeping together." Marnie's brown hair flicked as she spun back around, thinking to herself.

"He seems to like you." I shook my head, laughing.

"I figured that much out, Marns." She smiled, silently teasing me.

"Then maybe you should go on a date with him, see how it goes..." Her suggestion didn't go over my head, I considered it as we turned a corner to wander down another corridor towards our common room.

"I don't know, I don't know quite how I feel yet..."

"So talk to him." I stopped for a second and just stared at her.

"Have you met me?" She smiled.

"Blah blah blah, can't talk to anyone." I nodded, making an 'exactly' motion. "I can't decide how you feel for you, babe, you've got to talk to him eventually." I shrugged, looking around us as we reached the entrance to the tower. A riddle being presented to us.

"Seas with no water. Hills with no earth. Roads never stepped on. What am I?" We briefly stopped our conversation.

"A Map." I quickly answered. "I don't even know what I would say to him, let alone how I feel." She stared at me as we walked into the common room.

"(N/n), it's the last day, we've got breakfast tomorrow and then we all go home." She dropped onto one of the sofa's with me dropping onto the one opposite her. "Then you won't see him." I shrugged.

"Maybe that'll be a good thing, then I won't have to figure it all out." Marnie just shrugged.

"Your choice."


Our bags and trunks were left packed up in our room for the house elves to bring down and load onto the train while we took a single smaller bag onto the train with us. I dropped into an empty compartment, laying down on the seat on one side, Marnie taking my bag and shoving it onto the little baggage shelf above me.


"Yeah, yeah." She sat herself onto the seat opposite me, sighing. "I can't believe it's all over, no more Hogwarts." I smiled at her words, relaxing completely.

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