Marauder's Era: James Potter x Sirius' twin sister

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James has been said to be the Gryffindor seeker as of 1972 due to the movies, however J.K Rowling confirmed in an interview in 2000 that he's actually a chaser.

I stood in the middle of the corridor more than shocked. Stood in front of me was a group of four boys. Behind the one directly in front of me, were three who were urging their best friend to speak, snickering but also trying to be as encouraging as possible, all while the boy in front of me was incredibly reluctant and had tried to walk away three times already. I could see his chest heaving and his face was tinted red. His usual messy, black hair, was even messier, like he'd constantly been running his fingers through it or ruffling it.

"Prongs, we don't have all day, and I'm sure lovely little (Y/n) doesn't either-"

"Padfoot!" James hissed, whipping around to glare at his best friend. A few moments ago, James had just admitted to not liking Lily Evans, but liking me...a Hufflepuff, who never left her dorm. I stared at him in complete surprise, still shaken by the revelation. James looked back over to me, smiling nervously. I took in a deep breath, pursuing my lips.

"Um...Sirius!" I whined, having no idea what to say, so I would need the help of my slightly older brother.

"(Y/n), darlin', it's fine, I promise-" I slowly nodded, turning my attention back to James.

"Why?" I asked, the question catching him by surprise. He hummed, tilting his head in confusion as he furrowed his brow. "Why do you like me? I'm months younger than you-"

"You're adorable." I pursed my lips, staying quiet. "You have the cutest personality, you're so quiet, and nice..." I bit my lip, I didn't really see what was appealing about this all. "But you play quidditch, very aggressively." I tilted my head. He'd noticed that? "You are an excellent seeker, and I think that the contrast of that and your personality is just the most amazing thing." I glanced over to Sirius and he had this soft smile on his face, like he didn't know James had noticed all of this, but he was glad he had. "Sirius never really talks about you..." I glared at my brother, who just chuckled, shaking his head. "But when he does, we can all tell how you're related, you're just like him." I stared at James. "If you're as great to be around as he is...then I always want to be around you." He was head boy, now a prefect, Gryffinidor's quidditch captain, my brother's best friend... "You're everything I want in a girl." I stared at cmii as he continued to ramble on, none of his friends daring to stop him as Lily Evans rounded the corner behind me. "You are one of the sweetest people I have ever met, you play quidditch so bloody aggressively," He chuckled, glancing to Lily for a moment before immediately looking back to me with the softest and goofiest smile. "I know you sneak out of the dorms at night and wander around the castle, you know every inch of this castle, all it's hiding places-" I nodded.

"But how do you know that?" A smirk crossed my lips as he flushed a little redder.

"The map...and I'm head boy, I have to do rounds, I've seen you a few times with your friends-" My face flushed. Every so often during the night the house elves would watch as two of my friends and I wandered the corridors. One or two of us running while the other was messing with a muggle object known as a skateboard. "You're as mischievous as we are." He breathed. "I like that." I tried to hide my smile.

"Clearly you don't know me well enough, Mister Potter." I smirked, moving to walk passed him, stopping at his side as I faced his friends. "If you did, you'd know that I'm much worse than Sirius." James turned to watch as I walked away, both of us glancing to Sirius for confirmation.

"She pranked our parents when we left for our first year."

"You're kidding me..." Sirius shook his head as I laughed, turning on my heel to look at them as I walked backwards.

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