Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader

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After so many years, I felt my body slam against the ground before taking a little tumble over some large tree roots

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After so many years, I felt my body slam against the ground before taking a little tumble over some large tree roots. I slid down a hill into the tree line of a forest before trying to stand up as quickly as possible and failing and taking another tumble, although this time, a pair of arms caught me. my hands latched onto their forearms as they stumbled back but still, managed to keep a hold of me. I looked up and found this teenage boy, sandy blonde hair, stormy grey eyes and quite tall, his face littered with scars long and short. My eyes stayed locked with is until I heard something snap in the forest and broke our eye contact, looking around and releasing his arms enough to give him the hint of releasing me, which he did, apologising.

"I'm sorry. That was, um, quite a fall you had." I nodded, his voice a beautiful tone, so melodic and deep, but also sweet like honey. "Where did you come from?" He asked, trying to figure out who I was. I pointed to the tree, a large willow tree. "The Whomping Willow?" I looked at it and then at him with furrowed brows.

"The 'Whomping Willow'? That's what you call it?" He nodded glancing back behind him and then back at me.

"I'm Remus, by the way. May I ask your name?" He was such a gentleman, as sweet as his voice.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) Killan." Remus' expression slipped for a second before quickly regaining his composure.

"Killan? That's a name you don't hear every day." I nodded.

"It was my mother's, and clearly she's not around anymore." I went quiet. "Can I ask you something?" Remus nodded. "What year is it?" This time I watched his expression fall and he just stared at me for a second.

"1978, why do you ask?" I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." Remus was quick to take a hold of my wrist.

"Do you, maybe, want to go out sometime?" I smiled and nodded. I had noticed behind me that the castle hadn't changed what so ever, so I headed straight back up the hill and into the castle, not caring if anyone stared at me for how I was dressed. I spotted another student who seemed to be a familiar age, long strawberry hair and a boy clinging to her, dark hair and glasses.

"Excuse me." The two looked up from their books and their eyes immediately widened slightly before they regained their composure. The girl sent me a welcoming smile. "Could you tell me if Albus is here?"

"Albus? You mean Professor Dumbledore?" I nodded frantically. "Yes, do you want some help finding him?" I nodded again.

"If you wouldn't mind." She nodded happily, closing her books and gathering them in her arms.

"I'll see you in a bit, James." She pecked 'James' cheek before leading the way to Albus. "I, um, I love your outfit." I smiled and continued to follow her.

"Thank you. I'm (Y/n)."


"Beautiful name." I saw her awkwardly tuck some hair behind her ear with a shy smile.

"Thanks, so how do you know professor Dumbledore?"

"I was his classmate. Minerva too."

"Professor McGonagall?" I nodded just as Lily rounded a corner and nodded to some stairs. "Follow those and you'll easily find his office."

"Thank you, Lily." She smiled and nodded before heading off. I followed the stairs and then lightly knocked on the door, hearing a faint 'come in'. I gently pushed open the door and was greeted by two former classmates who had grown old with time.



I was returned to Gryffindor and had been settled into the only spare dorm room, which happened to be on the boys side of the tower

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I was returned to Gryffindor and had been settled into the only spare dorm room, which happened to be on the boys side of the tower. Minnie had provided me with some clothes to suit this generation and for me to fit in. I fiddled with the ends of my sleeves as I wandered down the tower stairs into the common room. I looked around the room for any familiar faces and found Lily and the boy she was with earlier, James, I also spotted Remus with them and a couple others by the fireplace. One of the two I didn't know, nudged Remus as I was still looking around because I didn't want to intrude. Before I knew it, Remus was awkwardly chuckling and heading over to me. I offered him a nervous smile.

"You look...different." I nodded in agreement.

"Minnie said I'd fit in more." Remus nodded in agreement too, offering his hand to me.

"Come with me?" I set my hand lightly onto his, his fingers curling around it, bringing it to his lips and lightly kissing my knuckles.

He led me out of the common room and through the castle until we were running through the corridors after hours, happier than ever, and up to the astronomy tower. Remus' arms immediately slipped around my waist while my hands rest on his arms as I stared up at him, smiling the most I ever had in my life. I took my chance, biting my lip and then leaning up until my lips met his. It wasn't something either of us expected to happen tonight, but it did, and surprisingly he reciprocated. I smiled into it, my hands moving so my fingers would tangle into his hair as he pulled me closer. His eyes met mine when we pulled apart.

"Tell me about, yourself, everything." I nodded.

".....And then because I interrupted some Faery thing, I had been trapped in the Whomping Willow and I've just been released from it."

"You went to school with Dumbledore and McGonagall?" I nodded with a laugh. "We should probably head back to the dorms..."

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