Marauder's Era: Peter Pettigrew x reader {Part 1}

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Peter inspo as always is Dane Dehaan <3

I curiously tilted my head at dinner, momentarily staring at the blond boy on the Gryffindor table, who seemed to keep glancing at my table, in my direction. We sat closer to the teachers table, while he was sat further down the Great Hall. My friend briefly nudged me, and I momentarily glanced at her, only to switch back to the Gryffindor, who had finally fixated on me. I looked back to my friend and back to the blond, who was now smiling subtly as I tried not to make eye contact with him. Sat next to him was our generations resident heartthrob, Sirius Black, and he was very intrigued as to what his friend was staring at. The blond's eyes never left me as Sirius began to speak to him, briefly glancing to me as well every now and then. And then the whole of their little friendship group looked at me, and I had felt like I had stopped breathing. My friend looked over to them. 

"What the hell is wrong with them?" I shrugged, tearing my eyes away from them and looking to her before looking back down to my food. "That blond is quite cute..." I looked up to her again, confusion crossing y face. "Lupin, the tall one." I glanced to them, staring at him for a moment, accidentally making eye contact, causing him to turn back to his friends. I slowly nodded. 

"Yeah..." I was never really one to talk, more observe. "He is."

"Want to go talk to him?" I shook my head with a quiet laugh. 

"I'm okay, he's more your type than mine." She offered me a soft smile, standing from our table to leave as dinner had come to an end. 

"Are you coming to the dorms now, or are you wandering off again for a bit?" I shrugged, standing up to at least walk out of the hall with her, passing with the Gryffindor table on our right. "You know, you could go for that Black, he's also very cute..." I shook my head with a smile. 

"Marn, I'm not really interested at the moment-"

"It's our last year! Have some fun, (N/n)..." Marnie pouted with a small laugh. "What about Potter?" She perked up as we got closer.

"Has Evans." I sang as a reminder to her, laughing. She bit her lip, thinking. 

"And you said no to Lupin when he asked you?" I glared at Marnie as we were about to pass said boy, who heard his name and glanced to us, sending me an awkward smile and wave, which I returned. 

"I, um, actually never answered..." I whispered harshly. Her eyes widened as she bit the inside of her cheek. 

"What about their friend, Pettigrew?" As we passed the group, all of their eyes followed me as mine briefly met his. I continued back with my friend, looking forwards. 


"There we go! Progress!" Marnie cheered, I rolled my eyes. "Or!" She stopped for a second, making me to turn around a face her in the corridor. "You could just sleep with them."

"And be like Sirius Black?" The brunette shrugged with a smile. 

"I mean...if you don't want a boyfriend..." I thought about it, squinting at her. 

"Maybe." She groaned, moving to guide me into the courtyard so we could talk more in the decent weather for once. I crossed my arms over my chest

"Come on! Adventure a bit more, you've been so boring and focused on school..." She pouted as she dropped onto the concrete of the wall, a window space cut out of it. "Loosen up a bit." Her eyes followed behind me a little, following movement that I hadn't noticed yet. The gentle touch on my waist caused me to turn my head, quickly in surprise. 

"Yeah, loosen up, love." The touch followed across my lower back before disappearing as the group of boys crossed the courtyard. The blond hair and pale eyes matched well with his taunting smirk. I watched him as he walked off. 

"See, he gets it." I glared at my friend as the Gryffindors headed to their tower. "If you go now, and talk to him, I'll stay out of the dorm room tonight." A tempting bribe. And her smile told me she knew I knew it was. I let out a sigh and whined. We were the only two female Ravenclaws in our year group, not many magical people were born our year I guess.

"Fiiiine." I uncrossed my arms, stuffing them into the pockets of my jacket and wandering off in the direction the Gryffindor group went. 

"I'll stay with Sarah tonight!" Sarah was our adoring friend in Hufflepuff, while we were her Ravenclaw buddies. I waved a hand above my head to let her know I had heard her before sliding it back into my pocket. I sighed quietly to myself. How on earth has she gotten me to loosen up this year? Was I really that uptight? My thoughts were cut off when I heard my name. I turned my head and found Nearly Headless Nick. 

"Sir Nicholas..."

"Bit far from the Ravenclaw tower, aren't you?" I nodded, pursing my lips. 

"Just on a wander tonight, clearing my head." He offered me a smile. 

"Would you like some company?" I smiled and shook my head. 

"I'm okay, but thank you for the offer." He offered me a bow before floating off elsewhere while I turned into the doorway that led to the moving staircases. All of the portraits whispering and talking to each other. 

"Here she goes...another lonely wander."

"She looks like she's doing better, though."

"Surely she should be in her dorm by now."

"She'll wander the halls for a bit, then she will."

"Every night..." They sounded defeated, although quietening down when I looked up from watching my step, my eyes meeting with those of a red head girl. 


"(Y/n), you're...coming to Gryffindor?" I slowly nodded, unsure of if I should be. But now that she's here there's no changing my plans, is there? "Do you want me to go grab any of them? I was just on my way to the prefects bathroom-" I shook my head, going up a few more steps. 

"Thanks, but it's okay, I'll head up..." I paused for a moment. "Um, what can you tell me about Pettigrew?" Lily seemed a bit taken aback. 

"Peter?" I nodded, pursing my lips again. "Oh, um, he's the quieter one of the four of them...Gets a lot of advice from James and Sirius, so be careful there..." She thought to herself, "Uh....I'm only telling you this because you seem really sweet and nice..." I slowly nodded, "Do not tell anyone I told you this," I nodded again, "He's not exactly great with girls, he doesn't know what to do, so..." She sighed with a laugh, "If that's what you're after, you'll have to... 'guide' him...of sorts." I slowly nodded. Was he the right choice? Maybe Lupin or Black would be- my thought was cut short. "He's sweet though. Before you start thinking about Sirius or something daft." She smiled, and I nodded again. "Even if it's just tonight, and not looking for a relationship, he'll take care of you." I nodded again as she smiled, setting a hand on my arm and giving it a little squeeze. "Good luck, let me know how it goes, yeah?" I nodded again.

"Thanks...Lily." I saw her smile grow as she wandered off towards the bathrooms, and I continued on up the stairs. Once I was up a few more stairs, I heard a male voice. 

"Hey, Angel, heard you were looking for me." I looked up the set of stairs I was on and spotted Peter. I froze for a second. 

"How'd you...?" I glanced down the stairs, where Lily had just disappeared into a corridor. 

"Portraits." He shrugged, leaning on the banister. I slowly nodded 

" guys have those.." He nodded with a soft smile, watching me carefully. 

"They said you were looking for me, darlin'." He laughed to myself. "So, what can I do for you?"

"You said to loosen up..." I piqued his interest, "I was wondering if you'd help me." The smile crossing my lips caused his to grow a little more. 

"Wouldn't Pads, or even Moony, be better help?" I shrugged with a laugh, heading up to him, my hand gently resting on his forearm. 

"Maybe...but I want your help." He tilted his head a little, standing p from leaning on the banister and gently taking my hand into his, hesitantly bringing it to his lips and placing a soft kiss to my knuckles.

"Where to, Angel?"

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