Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader

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Today was the day. The day the Marauders finally got cocky enough in the middle of class to tease both me and Lily. The day we were learning about Amortentia in Potions. As the class all stood in a group around Professor Slughorn's table watching him brew the recipe while I stood next to Lily, hugging my notebook to my chest since none of us had been able to go to our usual desks. Remus happened to be on my other side with Sirius and James behind him and Peter beside him too. Just as the Professor finished brewing, he spoke.

"Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" Lily's hand shot up and I silently whined. "Miss Evans."

"It's the most powerful love potion in the world."

"Yes, very good. anything else?"

"It smells different to each person depending on what attracts them the most." Slughorn nodded again and looked over to me next to her staring at the mini cauldron.

"Miss Parquette." James nudged me from behind when my name was called and I snapped out of my trance and looked over to our teacher. "As an example what do you smell?"

"O-oh, um," I paused for a moment and quietly made my way up to the cauldron as our teacher ushered me to. I looked at him hesitantly as he nodded and motioned to the potion. I glanced back at my friends and they nodded too, James and Sirius seeming rather cocky and ready to tease me while Peter was zoning out and Remus was flicking through his potions book. I smiled and with a mildly shaky voice, I spoke. "Forests after it's rained."

"Anything else?" I nodded slightly and took a deep breath. 

"Parchment, like old books or a library." I heard complete silence behind me and was nervous to turn around after saying the final thing I could smell. "And dark chocolate."

"Thank you Miss Parquette, you may return to your seat." I nodded and  turned around, keeping my head down when I sat down, however when I was retuning to my seat I saw James and Sirius astounded, and Remus blushing ever so slightly as he continued to flick through his textbook. Lily was smiling and Peter was still absentmindedly looking around the room. "Now, return to your seats and turn to page twenty seven and brew your own Amortentia, taking note of the scents you experience. Off you go." Everyone turned or got up and headed to their own seats, my table having been shared with Lily, Alice, Mary and Dorcas. The four of them were housemates and dorm-mates while I happened to be the Hufflepuff in the class who hung out with the four Gryffindors. 

Later on in the lesson, Mary nudged my arm before nodding over to the boys, silently telling me to listen to them. I nodded, still stirring our potion, something which the boys were just finishing.

"She likes you, Moony." Sirius voice teased and I slouched into my seat a little.

"Anyone can like those thing, Sirius, it's just coincidence." I watched as the blonde checked his textbook for the next instruction before adding another ingredient and stirring as James piped up.

"She was embarrassed when she went to sit down next to you. You're face was red. You want her to like you, Moony." Remus shook his head and continued stirring. This time Peter spoke.

"Go on then, Moony, what'd you smell?" The boy stayed quiet and just kept stirring, a smile being fought off of his lips as he suppressed it.

"We know you smell her." Sirius continued to poke fun, playfully nudging his friend.

"Come on Moony, tell us." James Laughed and I shared a look at Lily. She noticed my mildly pained expression filled with nerves and shrugged with an attempt at a supportive smile, but she was just as nervous to find out what Remus really though.

"Okay, I smell recently blown out candles, leaves in the autumn and..." Remus said quickly almost as if he were stating a fact he wanted to get over with, also seemingly stressed, although as he was about to say the third, he drifted off because Professor Slughorn had come to their table to see how they were doing, asking what each of them could smell.

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