Marauder's Era: Peter Pettigrew x reader [Part 1]

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Hugging my books to my chest, I walked into the common room, holding a small glass bottle in my hand and finding the usual boys up this late

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Hugging my books to my chest, I walked into the common room, holding a small glass bottle in my hand and finding the usual boys up this late. The four who had dubbed themselves as 'The Marauders'. 

James Potter, the Head Boy, devoted boyfriend to one Lily Evans. 

Sirius Black, technically James' now adopted brother due to leaving his own pureblood, abusive home, welcomed into the home of the Potters.

Remus Lupin, werewolf. Only, I'd recently found out thanks to a conversation with one of his friends, who had let slip the secret. 

Peter Pettigrew, my recently ex-boyfriend, which was a well known fact among Gryffindor, but not really the entire year group. 

The four were sat chattering away by the fire, Peter on the sofa with a rink in his hand (media), with James beside him, his legs kicked up on the furniture as he messed with some quidditch plans. On the floor was Remus, a book in his hands as he seemingly revised for a class. Beside him, with his legs up on the sofa, was Sirius, fiddling and spinning his wand. 

I walked over to Remus, more tired than anything as I held out the glass bottle to him. He looked up from his book, then to the bottle, and then to me, curiously. 

"What is it?" I smiled softly, not even bothering to try and hide the fact that I was tired as Remus stared at the vial, watching the faint blue smoke inside of it. I held out my potions book to him and he slowly nodded. "What's in it?" I shrugged with a yawn. 

"Aconite..." Remus sat up straight, letting his book slip from his hands, losing his page. Sirius looked over to me, unbothered.

"What's Aconite?"

"'s actually really hard to find...And poisonous." Remus gently took the potion from my hand as I re-piled my text books in my arms. He stared at it in awe. "Where'd you find this? Did you steal it from Slughorn's storage?" I shook my head, smiling tiredly as James looked up from his plays. I sighed, simply wanting to go to bed. I ruffled Remus' hair as I turned to leave. 

"Merry Christmas, Remus." 

As I reached the bottom of the girls dorm stairs, I herd my name be called. 

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