Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader

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Usual fancast! 

Remus - Andrew Garfield.

James - Aaron Taylor-Johnson

Sirius - Ben Barnes

Peter - Dane Dehaan

" the dumbest idea we've had since yesterday..." Lily tilted her head in confusion, shaking her head and staring at me as I looked up from the book which was in my lap, my legs kicked up over her thighs on the common room sofa. 

"What are they up to...?" She asked after hearing the voice which belonged to Remus John Lupin. 

"Come on, Moony, it's not all bad, we'll set everything up-"

"Dude, shut up, she might be downstairs." We heard Sirius hiss at James, causing Lily and I to share a look. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Lily smiled, eager to find out, and simply wanting to fluster the group. Remus and James shared a look as Sirius pursed his lips awkwardly, Peter trailing along behind them looking like he'd just rolled out of bed. 

"Uh, we uh, nothing." James quickly saved himself from exposing the plan. I let out a breath and looked away from the page I had continued to read, finally closing the book. 

"Good morning, boys." I smiled softly as the group looked from my redhead friend to me. 

"Morning, love." Peter tipped my head up a little as he passed me before dropping into one of the two armchairs by the fireplace. I was confused, yet slightly attracted to the action. I glanced to the other three boys, who seemed just as confused, although Remus had his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. 

"'Love'?" Lily asked, making me look between her and Peter. He tipped his head back, staring up at the ceiling. 

"After last night, I think it's appropriate." I felt my whole body freeze up as I slowly looked form Lily to Peter. 

"What happened last night?" Sirius hesitantly asked, leaning his arms on the back of the sofa beside me. 

"Yeah, Peter, what happened?" I hissed, indirectly warning him not to tell them. He looked me up and down before shaking his head with a smirk. 

"Nothing happened." I sighed and closed my book, tossing it onto the small table beside the sofa before standing up and turning to head back up to my dorm, finally noticing Remus' stare. 

"Hey Padfoot?" Sirius hummed and looked over to his friend by the stairs. "Don't do that today, alright?" Sirius looked over to James, who just shrugged. "It's not worth it."


A few hours later I was sat on the beautiful stone feature in the middle of the Clock Tower Courtyard, and what would I hear but the wonderful Marauders walking by. 

"Look, Moony, it was a one time thing, and I doubt it'll happen again."

"That's not the point, Wormtail." I heard Remus sigh. 

"Then what is?"

"You knew." There was a moments silence between the two, although James and Sirius were talking and laughing ahead of them. "You knew I liked her, and you still slept with her." My fingers dug into the book I was staring down at as my breath caught in my throat. He told him...? "What the fuck man?"

"Oi, you slept with her?" James whipped around at the news, asking the question as the group came to a stop. It wasn't a topic I was proud of, Peter was my best friend's boyfriend's best friend. My friend's best friend...and I'd slept with him, in their dorm room. I was surprised I even managed to make it out of there in time this morning before anyone woke up, even Peter. It was one of those things when in the moment, you were fine with it, but once it had happened your morals kicked in and you hated yourself for every little thing you did. 

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