After the Battle of Hogwarts {Very Short}

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I sat sadly in the kitchen at the table, the Marauders map sat on the surface in front of me. The Battle was over and I was mourning the losses of the four Marauders. My favourite Mssr's. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. 

I opened the map and tapped my wand against it.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The usual map began to appear when I said the words the boys had taught me and I smiled watching people wander around the still broken castle.

"Mssr's Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief Makers are proud to present you the Marauders Map!"

I then watched in confusion and sorrow as the map began to disappear, words appearing.

"To honorary Marauder, (Y/n), thank you. This map's for you, use it well."

The words began to disappear once more and tears had formed in my eyes, one or two falling down my cheeks. But they began to pour when two words displayed themselves on the page for a few seconds.

"Mischief Managed."

At this point I began sobbing in the middle of the Black's kitchen, setting my head into my hands as I cried loudly. I didn't notice someone walk in and sit with me, pulling me into their arms, until they did and it happened to be Minerva McGonagall, the one teacher, the one person still alive, who would understand my pain.

"They're all gone! James, Lily, Remus, Sirius! All of them! Everyone! They're gone!" Minerva held me as I cried out in sorrow, holding me close as Harry was about to walk through the door, although stopping just before he could walk in, staring at me sadly.

"Professor?" He address Minerva and I hushed my cries to quiet sobs as he spoke. "Could I talk to (Y/n)?" She nodded and stood up, gently stroking down my hair as I quickly settled down. "You knew my parents?" I nodded with a sad smile, wiping my tears. "Could you tell me about them?" I nodded again, patting the seat beside me. Harry took that seat.

"Well, first of all, you look just like James, in every way, Lily too..."

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