Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader

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Requested by moonlovestoast Sorry that this has taken 3 months.

The world seemed to slow around us as the door quietly opened. Remus was sat on the edge of the sofa, staring down at the carpet with his head in his hands, and there - just walking into the room - was a reluctant James Potter.

"Hey, uh, Lily mentioned you guys were talking, and we all just thought it was weirdly quiet...everything alright-"

"(Y/n)'s pregnant..." Remus muttered, still trying to piece everything together as I hesitantly sat on Sirius' bed. James quickly looked to me in surprise as I stared at the floor too.

"Y-you guys are making it sound like a bad thing..." James slowly walked into his dorm room and closed the door behind him, coming to lean against his bedpost. "You guys are in love, and now you're expecting a kid-"

"It's so much more complicated than that, Prongs..." James stared at Remus with a sigh before shaking his head.

"Moons, come on man, what's so complicated about-...?"

"I told her." James stared.

"What?" Remus finally lifted his head, his expression torn.

"I told her everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Werewolf, the map, tormenting Severus, the Order, everything." James' expression fell and he hesitantly looked to me, as I stared at the carpet again, barely glancing to him.

"You're joking." Remus glanced between James and I, shaking his head. "I get that those make things complicated, but you can't work around it?" Finally, Remus and I shared a glance. Remus was the one to shake his head.

"It's complicated, James..." I nodded in agreement.

"We aren't like you and Lily..."

"The hell does that mean?" James straightened up, seemingly a little offended.

"It means our relationship isn't as smooth sailing as yours..." I nodded again. "You guys are always sweet, loving, you literally never argue...but us..."

"We always argue, James, there's probably no saving it now."

"Lily!" It was a few seconds until the redhead had appeared in the dorm, joined by Sirius and Peter.

"Seriously? Prongs, they don't need to be involved. You didn't need to be involved!" Remus finally snapped, standing up defensively. "Until we can figure this out, it's none of your business!"

"Remus, sit down." I sighed through my teeth, knowing he was only getting testy because the full moon was just around the corner. I ran a hand through my hair, ruffling it about. "He's trying to help!" I felt my pulse raise a little as I glared at him, ready to argue with him again. "You really think we're going to figure this out on our own? Really? After everything you just told me? You think we can do this?" At the fact I had brought up our earlier conversation, I saw the pain in his eyes reflect in his expression.


"Y-you think that a guy who could barely maintain a relationship, is going to be able to help me through this? Support me when I feel like shit, when I'm doubting everything in the fucking world?" I could see him clenching his jaw to not argue back. "You think that your little condition isn't going to affect anything, anything at all?!" Silence, as our friends remained near the door, ready to leave if necessary. "You're an asshole, Lupin! You always have-!" I instantly fell quiet, taking a precautionary step back when his eyes immediately landed on me. He hadn't moved from where he sat, not. a single muscle, but his eyes had flicked to latch onto me after my little outburst. It was a dangerous glare that I had become all too familiar with.

"This, this is why I never told you, because you'd pull shit like this!"

"Like what, Remus? Call you out on your fucking behaviour?!" Sometimes it was good to argue back with him, other times it wasn't, it really depended on when the full moon was.

"Use it against me! I can't control shit, (Y/n)! I told you everything in confidence!"

"You told me because you felt you had to!" I glared at him. "You had the ideas on how to torment someone! You're the werewolf! You helped to create a map to see everything that happens in the castle! You joined a secret organisation to fight bloody Voldemort!!" I laughed, amazed at how he had only focused on one of the topics. "Everything you do hurts you or someone else! The fuck are you going to be like around a kid?!"

"What the fuck are you implying, (L/n)?" Remus hissed, standing up and taking a few steps toward me, however I stood my ground.

"I'm implying that one day, you might hurt it, me, or end up getting yourself killed." I spat, my chest heaving as his eyes stared into mine.

"You've got some fucking nerve-"

"Wonder who taught me that, huh, Remus?" My heart-rate was going a million miles a minute. I was scared shitless, but no one needed to know that. He scoffed, and I shook my head. "I'm going to my dorm. When we've both calmed down, we can talk civilly about this. Okay?" I could see Remus' chest heaving as well, as he bit the inside of his cheek in frustration, nodding.

It was a couple hours later when one of the kitchen house elves came to my dorm door, mentioning the name Remus, and Great Hall. I rolled out of my bed and quietly wandered the castle corridors until I had reached the large hall, where I found a quiet, nervous Remus Lupin sat on the steps, tapping his one hand against the other.

"(N/n)...I'm sorry. I, uh, reacted quite badly..." He offered me a scared, and nervous smile.

"I know...and I'm sorry for what I said...You unloaded a lot of information onto me..."

"Should've given you it bit by bit, huh?" I nodded with a smile as I wandered over to him, taking a seat beside him.

"At least it's off our chests now..."

"In front of our friends..." Remus groaned with a laugh, as I giggled, quietly resting my head against his shoulder.

"So...what are we going to do?" I felt him shrug.

"What do you want to do?" I shrugged too.

"Honestly...I want to move to the city, and raise a child there. Normal schools, they could easily learn to blend in with muggles, and wizards and witches..." Remus rest his head against mine.

"Which city?" I hummed, quietly thinking about it.

"I like Cheshire..."

"Why's that?" I shrugged with a smile.

"The name reminds me of the Cheshire Cat..." Remus. chuckled, gently threading his fingers with mine. "Plus, it's more of an old city, than a city city, you know?" He. nodded, causing me to smile.

"So it's settled...After Hogwarts, we'll go to Cheshire, and I'll do what I can with the Order." I slowly nodded, the two of us agreeing on something for once.

"I've thought about it, and I'd be happy to get a normal job, and you could stay home?

"Why would I-?"

"Think about the wizarding world, nowhere accepts werewolves...and in a muggle job you'd be taking too much time off a month." He slowly nodded his head, resting it back on mine. "I could easily get a job, and earn some money...and you could be...a stay-at-home dad..." I felt him turn his head a little and smile into my hair. "You like the idea of being a dad, don't you?" He nodded, chuckling softly.

"I love it." He pressed a kiss to my head, and I smiled again. "Are you? about being a mum?" I shrugged.

"I'm scared, but...I'm looking forward to it..." Remus chuckled again, moving his arm to wrap around my waist as he pressed a kiss to my temple in silent apology.

"That's my girl."

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