Next Generation: Albus Severus Potter ✔️

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"Miss Goldstein! Back to your dormitory, it's after hours!" I smiled nervously and nodded. Truth is I had been doing some tutoring with James, he was teaching me more about potions since I didn't understand which ingredients were needed for certain concoctions. He wanted to help get my grades up, and since he was a couple years above me it was natural to go to him, although I could have gone to Lily..., I didn't want to bother her though, I enjoyed James' company and he was one of my best friends.
Yes, I am a Goldstein, the great-grand-daughter to Queenie Goldstein the sister-in-law to Newt Scamander, therefore I'm distantly related to Lysander and Lorcan, surprised they didn't know of me. My mother died in child birth, my grand-father and grand-mother having gone missing during travelling while my parents attended Hogwarts. My father...he's currently missing, somewhere in America tracking down creatures or was it books...he was quite the bookworm.

"Sorry, Professor, I'll head back now!" Professor McGonagall was most likely one of my favourite teachers at Hogwarts. She was so nice and understood all of us so well, no idea how or why. One thing she hated though, was telling me to get back to my dorm room because it happened so often thanks to the late night study sessions. She nodded and watched me scamper off to the HufflePuff dormitories. Luckily we didn't have a password, so it was quick for me to sneak in and up to my room where I found Rose, almost screaming when I saw the Gryffindor. "The hell are you doing here?!" I whispered harshly, not wanting to wake anyone in nearby dorm rooms up.

"Study session with James again?" I nodded, setting my books on the table beside my bed and stripping down to a pair of cotton Calvin Klein underwear and slithering under my blankets, physically kicking her off my bed. She fell onto the look with a thud.

"TaTa Weasley. You need to get to your room and deal with the expectations of your quidditch father and genius mother." Her eyes widened, remembering she had one class her mother had chosen fo her, first period, before she bolted out of my room and over to her dorm.
"Welcome to Transfiguration for fifth years. This class, HufflePuff and Slytherin will be put into pairs. You will not be choosing where you sit but I will be seating you. Understood?" We all stood at the back of the room and nodded. Professor McGonagall stood at the front desks, tapping the desk in front of each seat and saying a name, telling each of us where to sit for the duration of the year. "Scorpius Malfoy...Albus Potter...(Y/n) Goldstein on the end." Everyone took their seats, I took mine beside Albus (while Scorpius sat his other side), I dropped my books and equipment onto the desk, McGonagall staring at me. I shot her a smile, setting my wand beside my books. "This year you will be learning Vanishing Spells with creatures such as Snails, Rats and Cats, as well as Inanimatus Conjuration. Can anyone tell me anything about the vanishing spell?" Her eyes scanned the room, landing on the three of us. "Mr Potter?" Albus' head shot up from the looking at the desk, trying to avoid the older witches gaze.

"Uhm- uh..." I leant over to him, whispering an answer.

"It's used to vanish animate and inanimate objects." He nodded and looked back over to our teacher who was looking at him expectantly.

"Uh, vanishing spells are used to vanish both animate and inanimate objects...?" McGonagall seemed satisfied with the answer given and continued with the lesson, Albus quickly pecking my cheek once she had looked away. "Thanks." I smiled, paying attention to the lesson with a small tint of red across my pale cheeks, his hand sitting on my leg the entire hour.

"Mr Potter, hands to yourself, please focus on your work." I bit my lip, refraining from even the smallest snicker, unfortunately that didn't work and I laughed slightly, Albus lightly hitting my leg before doing as the professor asked and 'keeping his hands to himself'. "Speaking of focus...Goldstein, I'm asking you and Potter to stay behind after class."

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