Marauders era: Remus Lupin x reader

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I had spent the last seven years cultivating my friends, growing closer to them, learning more about them, becoming a family with them.
By the end of our sixth year, Lily and James had finally become a couple, and head boy and girl. Sirius had been whittling down on the girls, and was becoming more of a relationship man, although focussing more on his friends. Peter...something was going on with Peter, he had become more...hesitant and frantic during our seventh year. Alice had gotten with Frank not too long ago too, and they were planning on getting married and to start their own little family, just like Lily and James. Remus...he was still going through the full moons with his friends, during those nights, Lily and I would hang out with Dorcas and Alice, staying up all night, talking, baking to keep ourselves awake. We'd stay up all night just to make sure all of the boys got back safe, they always did, although Remus was always a bit torn up, with the others being out of breath. 

And that's what we were doing tonight. 
It was fairly early in the morning by this point and all four of us were growing nervous. The boys were usually back by an hour ago. Lily was pacing around the room, bouncing a crying baby, who seemed to be missing his father. Alice was chewing on her nails, looking between all of us. Dorcas was kneeling on the sofa, staring out of the bay window in Remus' sitting room, searching for any sign of our wonderful Marauders. I was trying my best to remain the calmest, to not set anyone else on edge even more, so I was sat on the floor with my legs crossed under the coffee table, a book sat in front of me as I rest my head on my palm, reading. 

"How's Harry doing?" I asked, finally looking up from my book and over to a struggling Lily. She smiled weakly, still bouncing him.

"Still crying." I sent her a sad smile and stood up, saving my page as I closed my book, setting it on the side table. I gently took Harry from her arms, causing him to quieten at the sudden change in person. He sniffled and stared up at me. I returned his little smile. 

"Hey, baby Potter, I know, I know, daddy's usually home now, clinging to you." Harry sniffled again and I smiled softly, rocking him gently in my arms. "He'll be home soon, he'd never leave you behind." I whispered as he reached up to try and play with my hair, successfully gripping a section. "He loves you too much..." Harry had quietened down as I carefully continued to rock him, soon handing him back to a relieved and thankful Lily. She mouthed a 'thank you' and I nodded.

It wasn't long until Dorcas made a sound, a rather quiet 'oh my god' leaving her lips before she got up from the sofa and hurried over to the door as we all heard the gate open. The remaining three of us shared worried looks. 

"Lily, stay with Harry." She nodded as Alice and I followed Dorcas outside. We froze, not having expected to be greeted the way we were. There, walking down the garden, were three fairly beaten adults. Remus had his usual scratches and bruises, although Sirius had a few scratches and bruises, and so did James, even glass sticking out of their torn clothing. James' glasses were shattered in his hand as he and Sirius kept Remus up, his arms over their shoulders while he struggled to walk. All three boys were struggling to walk. "Dorcas grab James!" I quickly spoke as his leg gave out. Dorcas was very quick to catch him and pull him back to his feet, his arm now over her shoulder. We were growing increasingly worried. Sirius winced when James let go and I quickly took Remus' arm over my shoulder, taking some of his weight off our black haired friend. "Alice.." I nodded over to Sirius and she nodded, grabbing Sirius and following James and Dorcas into the house, hearing Lily gasp. Remus looked to me with a weak smile. 

"Alright, Love?" I smiled weakly and shook my head, hauling him into our wonderful home. 

"Are you alright? You all look beat, what happened? And where's Peter?" I asked, looking between all three boys, who were sharing looks. Lily had set Harry down on his little play mat by the unlit fireplace, returning quickly with a first-aid kit, swiftly opening it and tipping it onto the table. Lily grabbed a few things before starting work on James wounds, Alice doing the same for Sirius while Dorcas scooped up Harry and kept him out of the way. I sat Remus on the sofa by the window. The girls and I shared a look, growing increasingly suspicious and worried. 

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