Marauder's Era: Peter Pettigrew x reader {Part 2}

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Remus, Sirius, Peter and I were silently sat in the newly-wed Potter's living room, trying to process the news Lily had just given us as James nervously stood slightly behind her. I swallowed thickly, slowly looking over to Sirius, remembering our conversation last year.

"We're all psychopaths, aren't we?" Remus asked, dropping into the seat beside James and Sirius. We all nodded.

"And James wants to marry Lily...wonder what kind of kid you'll have. Maybe a psycho red head...or a chill dark haired kid." I laughed to myself, worn out from today.'s...activities.

"Let's think of it like this, she'll never find out about any of this, so the kid will be chill either way."

Sirius then looked to Remus, who looked to Peter, who smiled awkwardly as he looked to James. As the girl of our psychopathic little group, I stood up and hesitantly went over to Lily, taking her hands in mine and forcing a smile.

"That's amazing news. Congratulations, to you both..." I hesitantly glanced to James as Lily laughed happily, nodding as she hugged me. She was ecstatic from the news. James seemed on edge about the whole ordeal. "Good luck to you guys. I hear raising a child is hard." Lily just shook her head with a smile, glancing to her husband.

"With James' help, I'm sure we can manage." I nodded knowingly, with a smile, soon taking my seat beside Peter again. "What do you guys think? Are you not happy? You're going to be uncles!" They all laughed a little, glad the red head had managed to lighten the mood. I glanced to my side and Peter offered me an awkward smile.

"How does she not know yet...?" I shrugged, sighing hopelessly, but offering Lily a supportive smile.

"I hope to god that kid isn't like James..." I whispered, Remus chuckling nervously. James gave me the side-eye with a glare, and I just smiled. I turned my attention back to Lily. "Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?"

"Honestly, I'm hoping for a boy, I'd name him Harry-" I tilted my head innocently as she quietened herself, stopping herself from rambling. I smiled softly.


"Prongs, I can't tell her that! None of us can!" I heard Peter quietly shouting downstairs. I sat at the top of the stairs, hugging my knees as I listened to the group of friends argue.

"We killed her best friend! And now you're starting a life with her, Wormtail! You've got to be honest!"

"It's not like you've told Lily what you've done!"

"Lily doesn't need to know!"

"You're having a kid with her, Prongs!"

"I know! I'm in too deep to tell her!" James hissed back. "If you tell (Y/n) now, then it'll give her a chance to leave if she wants to-"

"I don't want her to leave, James!" I smiled softly, listening to the pair quietly argue.

"Peter, listen to me," he called him my his name...? "She knows you killed her best friend, and you've helped her cover up a murder, but, you have got to tell her about this."

"I-I can''ll ruin her-"

"Peter, I'm serious-" My blonde boyfriend sighed, his footsteps beginning to move.

"Fine, I'll go talk to her." As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs, James spoke.

"Worms, she's going to be asleep, it's too late tonight, do it tomorrow." I lifted my head from resting on my arms on my knees and stared straight at Peter, who was staring up at me at the top of the stairs in surprise.

"Uh, Prongs?" Peters eyes never left me.


"She's sat at the top of the stairs." I heard James stand up and come over to Peter, his eyes fixed onto me.

"Hey...(N/n)...what are you doing up so late?" I looked between the two before standing up in silence and heading to my bedroom, quietly closing the door behind me. There was a soft knock on the door as I got comfortable under the blanket, and the door carefully opened.

"Love?" I buried my head into the pillow a little, cuddling into the blanket. I quietly hummed. "Why are you up...?"

"You guys were being loud..." I heard him sigh before the bed dipped a bit, a hand gently resting on my waist.


"What do you need to tell me?" I quietly asked, hoping it wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Do you remember fourth year?" I cautiously turned my head to look at him. "When Remus asked you out?" I nodded. "When there was a screaming match in the common room?" I slowly nodded again, remembering someone from my own house telling me about it. "Um, well, it happened in sixth year too...Remus wanted to try and ask you out again..." I slowly sat up, staring at him sceptically as he avoided eye contact with me, his fingers gently playing with the fabric of my shirt. "When I found out...something happened...and apparently I put him in the hospital wing...and then a few months later, when we were in seventh year...I met you properly..." I tilted my head curiously, sitting up properly as he hesitantly looked over to me.

"Do you regret hurting him for that?" Peter swallowed thickly and reluctantly shook his head.

"No...I don't...if he'd asked you, we wouldn't be here now..."

"What makes you say that?"

"It's Remus, what girl wouldn't agree to go out with him?" I forced a smile and leaned over to him.

"I wouldn't have agreed." Peter stared at me curiously. I shrugged with a smile. "Something about you intrigued me since Remus asked me out the first time. It made me notice your little group more, along with you specifically."

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