Marauder's Era: (Y/n) Black

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I stood beside our father, behind my two brothers, glancing own to my mother as she adjusted my youngest brother's waistcoat. I sighed, gently brushing my skirt down to be a little neater. 

"(Y/n), stop fiddling." I nodded as my mother swat my hands before moving to tighten my ever so slightly younger brother's neck tie. I looked to my right at him. He didn't seem very happy, as usual. He was only really happy around just Regulus and myself. I was a year ahead of Sirius, and two ahead of Regulus. I'd be going into my second year at Hogwarts this year, while Sirius would be moving into his first year. My parents had decided that when one of us had been sorted into Slytherin, we would have a family portrait done to honour that. It was odd, and I knew that this year when Sirius gets sorted, we wouldn't have one, and when Regulus gets sorted, we'll have one, and Sirius won't be in it...Just as Andromeda was excluded when she started dating Ted....Ted was nice, very nice, actually. My mother snapped her fingers in front of my face, dragging me from my thoughts. 

"Sorry." I adjusted my stance and glanced to Sirius one more, noticing him looking down to the ground. "Head up, Sirius." I whispered before my mother could scold him. He nodded, quickly looking up as the photographer was ready. 

"" There was a bright flash...and then my mother was back to adjusting all of our clothes and positioning. 

"(Y/n), come here." My mother tugged me away from my brothers and beside her, now slightly in front of my father with Regulus in front of my mother and Sirius just beside me. 

"Mother...School is tomorrow, and I still need to finish packing...after this photograph, could I go finish?" Out of the corner of her eye, she stared at me, her nose upturned as she turned to look back at the camera. 

"Of course. Now everyone, ready." I gently set my hand on Regulus' shoulder, offering a supportive squeeze as Sirius stuffed his hands into his pockets. I swatted his arm, urging him to take them out of his pockets. And the final picture was taken. 

"Sirius, go pack too, remember you leave tomorrow." My father spoke this time as I wandered off to head upstairs, my brother following after me after he was told to. It wasn't long until Regulus followed too. He drifted into Sirius' room. 


"Mother, I'm sure he'll be Slytherin too-"

"He'd better be because he sure as hell doesn't act it." I nodded with a frown. 

"I'll keep an eye on him..." I muttered as I headed over to the train. 


Sirius followed me, not really having any friends yet. 

"Can I sit with you?" I nodded with a smile, slipping into a compartment, immediately joined by my brother. 
Once we had settle in, after around 10 minutes, he spoke again. "What's it like being in Slytherin?" I shrugged, staring out of the window in a black dress which resembled my mother's. 

"It's boring honestly, everyone is just as uptight as mum and dad." I glanced over to Sirius, who looked incredibly nervous. "You get a whole year of not being around them, be yourself, get into the house you want to be in." I smiled softly.

"You don't think I'll be a Slytherin?" I shook my head with  quiet laugh.

"Oh god no, you're definitely a Gryffindor." I leaned closer to him. "Trust me, they have the best people." I watched Sirius relax as I looked over to the door, noticing a young boy, around my brother's age. I offered him a smile, which he returned as he slid open the door. 

"Hey, can I sit with you guys? Everywhere else is full?" Sirius looked over to me and I nodded to the new boy with a smile, Sirius nodded too. "Great, I'm James Potter." He dropped into the seat beside Sirius. 

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