Marauder's Era: (Y/n) Black

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Definitely didn't cry writing this

I silently walked over the house where I could find my brother and his best friends. Respecting the Black family for the first time in my life, I adhered to tradition and wore a black dress which matched that of which my mother usually wore. The sleeves trailed to the middle of my forearm before branching down in a light ruffle, similar to the one which was around my neck, attached to the dress. There was a thin layer of lace over the whole dress, which trailed to the floor as I walked, the only sound being my heels. 

The cottage sounded so lively, so bright, so inviting unlike my home. I stopped right in front of the door as I took a deep breath, releasing it as I adjusted the positioning of my hair before raising a shaky fist and knocking on the door. I heard the laughter of the boys a year ahead of myself, although they'd all already left Hogwarts. The new face of James' mother answered the door. A beautiful middle-aged blonde woman in a gorgeous light blue and white dress. 

"Hello, dear, are you alright?" I nodded, forcing a smile. 

"Sirius is here, yes?" She nodded, gently holding a hand out to me. 

"I'm Euphemia Potter, may I ask your name?"

"(Y/n) Black, I'm Sirius' younger sister." She nodded with a bright smiled and stepped aside as I set my hand ini hers, gently guiding me inside. 

"They're just in the sitting room, my husband and I will be in the kitchen if you need us." I nodded as she quietly closed the door behind me. "Sirius! You have a visitor!" As I heard the laughter quiet down before a few movements, followed by an uproar of laughter, I balled my hands into fists and hid them behind my back. I forced a smile as my brother appeared from around the corner. 

"(Y/n), what are you doing here? Mum's going to kill you-" I clenched my jaw, feeling tears beginning to well ini my eyes. 

"She won't, she actually sent me." Sirius slowly came over to me, hearing the quiet cracks in my voice and gently rubbing his hands on my arms. 

"What's wrong?" It took a lot of courage for me to look him in the eye. 

"Mum and dad want you home for a couple of weeks-"

"Why would I do that?"

"Just until the memorial's over..." I saw fear fill Sirius' eyes as he straightened up.

"(Y/n), who's memoria-"

"Regulus...he's been missing long enough that he's been announced as dead." Sirius took a few steps back as I silently cried, watching as my older brother fell apart right in front of me. "Mum won't eat...Dad won't talk to anyone...I'm refusing to go to can bring a sense or normality back to us..."I could tell her was still processing it. 

"Regulus went missing? When?"

"He's not missing Sirius...He's dead-"

"You saiid he was announced dead-"

"I was there, I'm the reason he's dead..." I sniffled, hearing thee sitting room go quiet as Euphemia had just walked into there, shushing them. 

"It's not your fault, nothings your fault, (Y/n)-"

"He died instead of me...We found a horcrux, the locket, and I drank the water, and then pulled me from the Inferi, so they took him..." A painful sob escaped form my throat as I tried to explain calmly what had happened, Sirius staring at me with horrified eyes. "I had to watch him drown!" I couldn't do anything...I had to watch him drown..."

"(N/n)...It wasn't your fault, okay?" Sirius had pulled me into a hug and rest his head on top of mine. "Nothing is your fault. Knowing him, he thought you were more important...deserved to live..." Sirius' voice began to slip ignite a whisper as he hugged me tighter, burying his head into my hair. "I'll come home tomorrow..." I smiled and rest my head on his shoulder. Hugs weren't something I was used to...but I could get used to it...

A few hours later, I was sat in the spare room at the Potter home perched at the desk as I wrote to my mother, glancing around the room to let her know Sirius would be home tomorrow. There was a quiet knock on the door and I quickly stood up and instinctively hid what I was doing behind my back as the door opened. II offered a relieved smile when I realised it was only Remus Lupin.

"Are you alright...? We heard you talking to Sirius..." I nodded, smiling softly. "You still blame yourself..." I nodded again, my smile slipping into something more nostalgic as I leaned against the desk. 

"He was my older brother...they both are...I never thought II'd lose either of them this young..."

"You've still got Sirius here for you..." I nodded as I glanced over to the window. 

" should have seen Regulus...I've never seen him run faster...Kreacher was calling out to him like a madman..." I sighed, standing up and folding the paper on the desk, wandering over to the owl at my window. "Grimmauld Place, please." It made a noise as I held the letter in front of it, it taking the paper in its beak before flying off. "We always used to play games...and the pair of them always used to protect me when it came to punishments...That was the only other time I had seen him run that fast." I sniffled as I turned to face a heartbroken Remus, tears streaming down my face, which had such a gentle and loved smile. "He had heard mum was threatening to use the Crutiatus curse on me...We'd heard him sprint down the stairs and tackle me just as she had cast it. I've got a scar down my jaw from where the vase had broken on the table we'd knocked into." I released a content sigh. "It's just Sirius and I now...James and Peter were never fond of me or my family, and I respect that...but we really need Sirius home for a couple weeks, that's all I ask." Remus stared at me. "I want one of my brothers back, even if it's just for a little while...please..." He had a gentle simile as he came over to me.

"It's up to Sirius, he's going through a loss," His arms hesitantly wrapped around me, and as soon as they diid, II immediately hugged him, burying my face into his sweater with his head resting on mine as Sirius' had. "And I'm sorry you have to..."

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