Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin {Part 1}

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The night was kind of young, the sun had fully set a few hours ago just after we had managed to get Remus outside and into the Shrieking Shack. Unfortunately for us, he had gone haywire yet again and was now running through the forbidden forest with the four of us, in Animagi form, chasing after him...although we had no idea which way he had disappeared so we had to split up. James suggested pairs but Peter, Sirius and I thought it'd be better if we went separate way as to cover more ground. I have never regretted an idea more in my life. I wish I had gone with James' idea, hell I wish I had gone with James or Sirius, hell even peter would be better than being on my own.
I had allowed my body to shift back to human as I hid, curled up, behind a tree with my back against the trunk, my knees pulled into my chest to make me as small as possible. Somewhere very nearby Remus was sniffing around, and I have never been more terrified. My hands were covering my mouth to prevent any whimpers, screams or cries from matter how much my body wanted to betray the thought. I closed my eyes and calmed my breathing when I heard his familiar sound creeping through the fallen leaves and broken twigs. To my right I could sense him, indefinitely. He was on my right and looking right at me. I could feel it, his eyes were latched onto me and we're refusing to release their hold as he stalked closer. I really tried not to flinch when the sounds of twigs snapping grew louder and closer, however I failed, I flinched away, significantly, and Remus took notice of this. Suddenly his posture became agressive when I had opened my eyes and fully taken notice of him. I carefully drew my wand, though not unnoticed, unfortunately. Much to my luck I only had enough time to get up and try to make a run for it. My attempt was futile as after a few 10 metres I had been scratched at and therefore sent tumbling to the floor. Using my legs, I tried to keep my werewolf formed best friend at as much of a distance as I could, occasionally resorting to usinage my arms. However, it was a bad idea, much like going off alone and disagreeing with James. Remus had allowed his teeth to sink into my arm while it was bent, taking the chance to cause any harm necessary. I held back a scream and just let a sob and a whimper escape, pointing my wand at his stomach.

"Stupefy." I whispered as to not be heard before he was sent flying backwards into the woods a hundred metres away. As fast as I could, I stood up and made a dash for the tree line, still hearing Remus starting to sprint again. I whipped around to face him. "Immobulus!" The creature froze right where he was and I continued up to the castle in a hurry, keeping my right arm (which I used for my wand and writing) close to my body, hidden under the sleeve of my hoodie and under part of the coat I had hidden near the Whomping Willow (which I now wore).
As gently as possible, I pushed open the Hospital Wing's doors and found madam Pomfrey. "Madam Pomfrey?" She turned around with a smile but my expression was quite the opposite, scared. "Please help me." She hurried over to me and guided me over to a sectioned off bed and sat me down on it.

"What's the problem, dear?" Using my left hand, I shrugged off my coat and then tried to with my hoodie. I managed to get it off my left arm and part way down my right but I whimpered and left it where it was. Madam Pomfrey gently straightened out my arm and tugged the fabric off, taking alert notice of the multiple little but deep wounds that bled against my skin.

After returning with her equipment and some potions, she got to work on cutting off my shirts sleeve as I tried to stay quiet. Mainly so no one would hear me and awake. She poured a potion onto a cloth and wiped over the wound before bandaging it up, tight. It stung...a lot, but I couldn't do anything about it. It wrapped from my wrist all the way up to the top of my arm, so basically my entire arm was covered in the comfy white fabric binding.

"I'm going to assume this was Mister Lupin's doing?" I reluctantly nodded, not wanting to get my boyfriend in trouble but having to be honest.

"I stupefied him afterwards and immobilised..." The Hospital Matron seemed pleased with how well I had handled the situation, coming straight to her while the wound was still fresh.

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