Marauder's Era: Remus Lupin x reader

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I sat bored in the Gryffindor common room, once more as I listened to the arguing the other side of the room. I was waiting for one Lily Evans to come down so we could go to dinner. The fat Lady had allowed me in since I practically lived in the Gryffindor tower at this point.

"You're lying, you don't have talents, Moony, you're just smart!" James snickered as Lily descended the stairs to join me as I continued with my homework. 

"Just cause all you three are good at is pranks-"

"Moony, mate, we love you, but we have talents." Sirius smirked, looking to Peter. 

"What are they jabbering about?" I shrugged as Lily dropped into the seat beside me, looking over the room to her boyfriend. 

"Exactly, I'm actually pretty good at non-verbal human transfiguration." Sirius seemed awfully chuffed with himself on that part. "Just pissing about, my talent his that which involves girls." he chuckled. "Although I can do transfiguration." I slowly nodded, impressed at his admission.

"My main thing is Quidditch, so I'd say that's a talent." II shared a glance with Lily and she just shrugged, not confirming her boyfriend's talent. "Wormtail?" Peter just shrugged. 

"I'm good at keeping secrets and sneaking around." Sirius glanced over to me, as if I'd be able to confirm it. I shrugged, worried and weirded out as to why he'd looked over to me. 

"What about you two?" I shrugged again, leaning back in my chair as I slouched, motioning to my best friend to speak first.

"I can draw, I quite like doing water colour painting too." IIt was. now James' turn e=to glance to me and I just shrugged again. 

"(Y/n)?" My eyes hesitantly drifted over to Remus Lupin, the boy who had kick-started this whole conversation. His eyes shifted over me nervously as I chewed the inside of my cheek. "You're hiding something-"

"Remus can sing." I blurted out with a sigh, causing the blond to drop his head back into a book. I could see his tongue dig into his cheek as his three closest friend slowly turned to look at him. 

"He what?" I could hear the smirk crossing Sirius' lips. 

"She does too." Remus tipped his head back over the sofa as I glared at him and he smirked darkly at me, hissing through his teeth. "Don't you, sweetheart?" I clenched my jaw, glaring at him. 

"No, I don't." Lily was switching her attention between the two of us. "You're lying." I hissed as he smirked, standing up and looking me up and down with a chuckle. 

"I think you're lying, I've heard you." I forced myself to stand up, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"And when would that be, Lupin?" His smirk faltered every so slightly, realising he'd have to admit it, although he knew his friends, he knew they'd find the answer hilarious.

"When we're in the prefect's bathroom-"

"We? You guys are together." James quickly looked between the two of us as I glared at my boyfriend. The realisation dawned on Remus and he straightened up. 

"Shit." My expression fell. 'shit'? That was his reaction to his best friend figuring out that we were dating? I looked between the pair as Remus glared at James. I swallowed thickly, nervously as a shiver ran down my body. 

"Shit?" I asked, tilting my head, James, Sirius, and Peter becoming a little confused. Remus had paused in whatever he was doing for a moment, nervously licking his lips. "We're dating, your friends find out, and all you can say is 'shit' like you never wanted them knowing?" I could feel my heart going one hundred miles a minute in my chest. My boyfriend froze completely. I was genuinely hurt by the revelation. "Did you ever want them knowing...?" His first instinct was to look to one of his three friends, specifically Sirius. "Sirius? Really?" I could see how much he was struggling to even find the right words at the moment, his chest rising and falling faster. "Instead of answering me...your first instinct is to look for your friends for an answer?" My lips were parted when I finished speaking, although I bit my lip when he still failed to reply. "Why?" He went to look at his friends again. "You keep looking to them, Remus-" I saw him bite his lip a little harder when I called him by his name. "Okay." The four boys looked to me, quickly and curiously. "I'm going back to my dorm..." I sighed, grabbing my bag and walking out of the Gryffindor dormitories. 

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