Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

It was Friday once again, and I was still reeling over all that had transpired. I hadn't seen Carter or Candy since the party, and I hoped they were okay. I tried to focus on schoolwork, but even that was stressful. The girls and I were hanging out in our dorm room after classes and my eyes were burning. Before I came to college, I didn't really consider how difficult some of the work would be.

"Can anyone tell me why I came here again?" Max groaned.

"I'm not even sure why I came. Well, I am but I'm not," Megan mused.

"The work seems to get harder every day," Lily agreed.

"Let's take a break," I suggested.

"Don't mind if I do." Lily shut her book, and the others followed suit.

"So, does anyone have any plans for the night?" Max asked curiously.

"Not really." I frowned.

"Since you asked, did you have plans?" Megan wondered.

"I was thinking of heading over to Marksans later to study." She cleared her throat.

"Right... study. You didn't get enough of that already?" Lily smirked.

"I have to stay on top of things." She spoke.

"So you're studying with Tamron?" Megan smiled.

"No, alone. He just happens to work there and live there."

"Convenient," she laughed.

Maybe Max wanted to throw us off because she suggested we go into town. After shopping for a while, I relaxed. I once more thought that Carter and Candy must be wrong. Whatever the guys were doing, the girls couldn't be involved in that. No way.

"Hey, guys!"

"Travis," I remarked as he approached us.

"In the flesh. Who are these lovely ladies? Friends of yours, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Are you going to introduce us?"

"This is Lily, Max, and Megan."

"Pleasure to meet you three."

"Likewise," Max said as the other two nodded.

"Listen, can I talk to you for just a minute?"

"What's up?" I asked.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but I need to tell you something."

"Okay, what?"

"I don't know that you want me saying this in front of anyone else." he frowned.

"Do you want us to leave?" Megan asked, looking at me.

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