Chapter: Forty-Nine

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Chapter: Forty-Nine

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Chapter: Forty-Nine

Niles gave me one last kiss before taking his leave out the front door. I watched from the window as he hopped into his car and left the parking lot. A sigh left my lips as I turned around to go help Tam in the back when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to meet Louis's gaze.

"I'm going to hit the road too, small fry." He informed.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're not much taller than I am, dummy." I pointed out.

He shrugged, flicking my nose, "Still taller than you."

"Ouch! Jerk, that hurt!" I whined, slapping his arm.

He stuck out his tongue. "I'm still your favorite angel, though."

I quivered an eyebrow. "Please, Zeke's my favorite angel."

We both busted out laughing at that little comment.

"Good one, champ, but two things are wrong with that little statement. One, Zeke's a demon, and two, the day you actually like him is the day Hell freezes over," he stated.

I chuckled, "Very true."

"Don't tell him I told you, but he does like you, Britt. He just doesn't want you to know that," Lily spoke, coming up to us with Megan.

I smiled, "Well, don't tell him, but I like him too. He has his moments, to be honest."

"He has that secret good side underneath all that attitude," she assured.

You guys leaving too?" Louis asked.

"Yep, got to get back and study for a test." Megan groaned.

He gave her a disgusted look. "Yeah, good luck with that."

"Tell me about it." She sighed.

"Don't study out loud. You might make kiddo hang itself with the umbilical cord."

"Haha, funny," she grimaced, touching her midsection.

"We'll take good care that he or she is happy," Lily promised, patting her belly.

"Yeah, we will," she smiled.

"Well, I'll see you guys later." I sighed, bidding them goodbye before traveling into the back where Tam was.

I pushed the door open, finding the kitchen empty. My brows furrowed in confusion. Where did Tamron run off to? I walked towards the back and that's when I heard shuffling from upstairs. I made my way to the stairs that lead up to their apartment and climbed my way up them, finding Tamron rummaging through the living room.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He turned to me. "Aubrey lost the remote and now she's blaming it on me. Dad will be home soon and he'll want to watch the game, but he can't if I can't find the stupid remote."

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