Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I walked into English class, sitting down beside Max. The boys weren't in here yet and that fact made me happy. But the moment of happiness was short-lived as Max's gaze turned from looking at me to behind me at the door. I followed her gaze, a frown falling on my lips. Why was he here?

"What are you doing here?" Max questioned as Zeke appeared in front of us.

"Liam won't be here today. He's asked me to tell you to go to the coffee shop after classes. He has something he wants to discuss with you." He spoke, looking down at me.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because that's not what he wanted. I don't care either way. Even right now, this is a colossal waste of time."

"Why couldn't Niles, Louis, or Henry deliver the message?" I asked.

"They had business of their own to take care of. Liam knew I was coming by here for Lily, so he asked for the favor." He explained dully.

"I need Niles to go with me." I blurted.

He narrowed his eyes at me, crossing his arms. "I don't think you understand. He is busy and he can't come at the drop of a hat."

"I won't go without him."

Yes, refusing Liam was stupid, but I doubted Zeke would wrench me from the classroom in front of everyone if I refused.

"Brittany, we have been treating you rather gentlemanly so far because they consider you a friend. However, if you refuse what we tell you to do, that all stops." He warned.

"You want to talk about being a gentleman? He wasn't being one when he spoke to me yesterday. Now he's trying to force me to do what he wants and to have an escort I don't need. I will not go see him alone. He can't treat me like that and think I'll want something to do with him."

I was not going near him alone. Right now, I had the advantage, as he wouldn't do anything here in the presence of others. I might regret that later, but not now. I would not back down.

Zeke looked annoyed and like he was trying to calm himself down. He could threaten me again, but probably realized at this moment it meant nothing. He probably realized it wasn't worth the effort. The man glared at Max. Right now, I was guessing he wished he were with Lily. I wondered if she ever challenged him.

"I don't have time for this when I have somewhere I have to be. Somewhere I'd rather be, and anywhere away from you is looking to be that place. Niles will not return until later today and cannot accompany you. But if it would suit your needs, maybe I could ask Henry to accompany you. That's the only other choice you get."

Well, Henry wasn't Niles, but it might be the best chance I had as an alternative to him. The way I'd just challenged Zeke, I certainly didn't want him going with me, nor did I think he'd mind blowing my head off if he had the chance. I had to remember the coffee shop was a public place, though not always full. So I could be safe there. Plus, Liam and Zeke were already angry at me. Finally, I gave in.

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