Chapter: Seventy-One

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Chapter: Seventy

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Chapter: Seventy

I chewed at the eraser on my pencil while listening to Mrs. Pearcings lecture us on the different works of the 1800s. While she taught us, my mind wondered if I'd ever met any of these people. I can't exactly remember, but it would have been sweet to have known one of the famous authors from that time period. My mind wandered to a conversation with Niles.

"I can't believe he got another tattoo!" I turned to Mattie with an arched eyebrow.

"Jay got another one?" I questioned, wondering when he'd had the time.

"No, not him. Zeke!"

My eyes widened and Max turned to look at her with the same confusion written on her face. "Um, two questions. One, when did he have the time, and two, why would you know this?" Max asked, voicing my thoughts.

"He texted me." She said in a duh tone.

My mouth dropped. "He texted you? Why?"

"We're friends." She said blankly, and Max and I gaped at her.

"Anyway, it's like this flowery thing on the side of his head, above his ear. It's wicked, but didn't that hurt?! Geez, and not to mention he's getting way too many and that's coming from me!" she exclaimed loudly.

"Please discuss the weird things Mr. Stiles has on his head outside of the classroom." Mrs. Pearcings glared at her.

"Sorry," she whispered. Seriously, she was whispering that after all that yelling?

"Since when have you and Zeke been friends?" I questioned, making sure to whisper.

"Since we've had second period together and gotten the chance to talk. I take it you guys aren't friends with him?"

"Not really," Max shrugged.

"You should get to know him. He's a little moody, but he's a good guy."

"He's a demon," Max said dryly.

"Well, she's not wrong," Louis muttered from behind us.

"Very perceptive," Niles commented.

Were they really doing this right now? So much for a normal day. Mattie could get a demon to like her, but Amon hated me. Was I really anti-demon or something? You'd think that would be a good thing, but apparently not.

"Come on, he's not so bad." Now Mattie was defending him? What had happened to my world? It was getting weirder by the second.

"No, he's worse," Max sighed. Yes, he was.

"Sure you don't have a crush on him," I joked.

"You know better than that. You see how he looks at Lily, just like we all do. Besides, I haven't crushed on Jayden all these years to finally have him and give that up. He's the only guy I have eyes for."

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