Chapter: Fifty-Two

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Chapter: Fifty-Two

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Chapter: Fifty-Two

"My place Liam? You wouldn't even tell me about my place until much later."

"When you apologize for not telling me and when you start telling me things. I am sick and tired of all of this. You're supposed to be badass fallen angels, but you're not there when it really matters, are you? You don't stand up to Victor. You let him do whatever he wants. He's near my mom because of you not protecting her. I had to kiss him because you wouldn't protect Tamron and Max, even though you know they don't belong here and that they are good people. You could protect Aubrey, though you choose not to. Henry is your friend and you can't help him protect his baby.

You don't protect me. That's why I'm going through this. You ruined my life. Both of you. I'm supposed to feel bad about what you lost? What about me and what I lost? Over and over again, I'm being reincarnated to have all my lives ruined by you. My family is in danger constantly. I hate who I am and I hate you both. If one of you isn't physically hurting me, you're just brushing me off like my emotions mean nothing to me. Well, I am so freaking tired of all this.

I'm more than just your plaything. I don't live to serve you or to be the object of your affection. The problem with you stupid jerks is you think every woman involved with you is supposed to give up everything for you. Max can't marry and have a family because of you. Megan can't even enjoy the fact she's going to have a baby without worrying about its future. Lily can't see her family. What's Clary do? Please, you every time you need it? You are disgusting!"

"I know it's not fair to you," Niles said, approaching me.

"It's not fair to any of us," I spat back.

"Britt," Liam said, anger laced in his voice.


"You don't think I don't want to kill Victor for even thinking of putting his lips on you? I never want that filth to touch you. Not ever. I don't want that filth touching Aubrey. It's one thing to use her against you. Believe that I know that was a shitty thing to do. I still would never willingly put her in danger. Henry is one of my dearest friends. We don't see eye to eye on everything and our opinions differ. But I know what it's like to have a woman I love more than anything and to be a father to a precious child created from that love we share for each other. You think I'm a horrible person and you're right. I am. There is little to no good within me. But I have some morals. No matter how little they are."

"So why not stop Victor? Why is it he makes even you scared? Who or what is you?"

"Britt, it isn't fear. Part of the curse is that we literally can't disobey him. We've tried several times," Niles frowned.

"What happens if you try?" I sniffed.

"We can't discuss it now. We have company," Liam said.

"Don't worry, Britt," Niles comforted as they stood in front of me. I leaned past them, noticing Marcus and Ty. The former had an amused expression, and the latter was scowling.

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