Chapter: Forty-Four

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Chapter: Forty-Four

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Chapter: Forty-Four

I woke up the nerve to a knock on my door and a grumbling Mattie and Megan. Classes were mercifully canceled today so we could sleep in. Naturally, someone was going to make sure that didn't happen. I considered not getting up at all, but the knocking didn't seem to be stopping.

"Make it stop," Mattie said, putting her pillow over her head.

"Britt, make them go away," Megan muttered.

Well, it looked like they'd appointed me to answer the door. Smiling, I got out of bed and opened the door.

"Can I come in?" Niles asked sweetly.

"No," Mattie protested, though I wasn't sure she was even talking to him.

"Always someone wanting in here," Megan grumbled.

"Sure," I grinned, allowing him access to our room.

"And no one listens to me," Mattie trailed off.

"How are you since last night?" he said carefully.

"Fine. I'm glad you were there. I needed you both and I'm grateful."

"I wish I could have brought you back last night, but I think you understand why I couldn't."

"I do no worries. You're here now," I took his hand.

"I wish you'd both be gone now. The talking would stop," Megan spoke, and apparently, both of them were grumpy, getting woken up in the morning. Actually, they were kind of mean.

"Well, so we don't disrupt any more of the ladies' sleep, would you like me to take you to breakfast? I think I owe you, although we never officially took that rain check."

"I'd love to," I beamed.

"Yeah, we'd love to," Mattie remarked.

After I got dressed in the bathroom, we headed to a local diner for bacon, waffles, and pancakes. Somehow, Niles must have known I wanted those things. Despite me being more than willing to pay, he insisted I allow him to pick up the tab. I had, but didn't want to eat more than him. So he'd ordered us the exact same thing. He got extra points if he guessed, and Louis didn't tell him.

"So why were you going to see Tamron so late at night? I never got to ask you."

"He wanted to talk to me about something and I didn't think anything would happen. I thought I'd be fine."

"Normally you probably would have been. I still doubt Tamron would have wanted you out so late. The lad hates burdening people almost as much as you do. He probably meant for you to come by sometime. If I hadn't been drug dealing, I would have been with you much sooner."

"You were there when I needed you. That's all that matters. Besides, I'm not the easiest charge."

"I'm not the best guardian, having to do so many things at once. That's while I'm making it up to you by feeding you waffles," he smiled.

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