The After Effect

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After the war between the God's, every God, Goddess, and Demigod was still recovering. We had all taken our places to fight and some didn't make it out, and some were badly injured. Camp halfblood was gloomy for a while, the kids had lost some of their favorite counselors. But little did we know that it would only get worse.

It was the funeral for the ones that didn't make it. None of our 'best friends died, but some of our friends did. Annabeth and I were the first ones there, we held each other's hands and tried not to cry. Although we didn't know everyone, there was too much sadness in the air for us not to cry. Leo and Calypso came second, then Piper and Jason, then Nico and Hazel.

"Everyone who passed away in this war should be remembered as a hero," everyone nodded, "They died in a symbol of honor, and protecting you they knew the risks. This may be a sad time, but thank everyone who risked their life for you." We all hung our heads low and nodded.

I squeezed Annabeth's hand as a tear fell down my face.

I kind of zoned out and didn't hear what the priest was saying. I resented the God's at this moment. This was their doing.

*𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴 𝘢𝘨𝘰*

"Perseus, Annabeth, war is soon happening between God's, arrive at Olympus and stop it." Chiron said galloping to warn everyone "Attention all campers! Return to your cabins. War is beginning, I prepared you all. It's happening," Chiron said with worry.

He called all the ones who were suitable for a quest, which included, Me, Annabeth, Leo, Calypso, Jason, Piper, Grover, Rachel (she came so we knew the oracle, yes she has the powers again). He also put a few 13/14 year olds with us too. "Percy. Trust me, these kids are the best match. You'll see." I trusted that they would do their part.

"Head to Olympus, find out what the κόλαση (hell) is happening here," we all nodded ready to go prepare when he said to. "Now, go pack, prepare, bring stuff. Whatever it takes. Stop this war, or fight it." He galloped away signaling all of us to get our stuff

When we all were finished, we ran to half blood hill. We all looked back at the camp and knew what we were risking. I took some mud and put war marks on my face. Some of the kids laughed and did it too. Soon everyone did that. We did the 3 fingers salute from the hunger games and left the camp.

Lucky for us we'd already been to the underworld and back.. multiple times.

I hadn't remembered where exactly to go, but Annabeth did.

"Alright. Is everyone ready?" No one a yes, but we had to do it to save everyone. "No, but we're willing to do this." Rachel said with pride. Everyone nodded, this boosted their confidence knowing that we're all together to protect.

We had walked around 100 miles and everyone was tired, we were looking for a car we could use, but no luck. I heard crying and I turned around to see one of the 3 kids we had brought with us. It was a girl about 13, she was definitely one of those kids who look younger than they are.

"Hey, What's wrong?" I asked, squatting down. I knew she was a teenager but I still wanted her to know I wa listening

"I- I just... My dad sent me an Iris message before this trip telling me that he hopes I don't make it out. And now I'm thinking I might not..," She choked "He always wants me to be more than I am," She said sniffling

"Awe, Honey, what's your name?" Piper asked her

"P- Penelope," She said. She had straight brown hair that was in a braid, and beautiful golden eyes, and fair skin, about 5 foot 4. "But you can call me P-penny."

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