An Aros Wedding

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Annabeth's POV:

It was finally Rachel and Paris's wedding. They had to push it back a bunch of times, but this time was for real. Percy and I had bought Alex a blue tuxedo, it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.


"PERCY! PUT YOUR OUTFIT IN THE BAT AND LET'S GO!" I yelled to him from upstairs.

"I GOT IT! IS ALEX DRESSED?!" He yelled back.

"Yep!" I said, meeting him outside.

"Alright, let's go!" He said to Alex.

"Yay! I love Rachel!" He said.

"I know you do!" I laughed.


It was a winter wedding, so all the outfits were thick and long to keep us warm. Even though it was inside, it was freezing. Jax turns 1 in 5 days, it was like everyone was drinking growing spells.

"Hey, Rach!" I said as we walked in "Percy, can you take Alex so that I can help Rachel with her stuff?" I asked him.

"Yeah! Boys are easier to get ready anyways." He walked to the other part of the venue.


Piper did her makeup and her siblings helped with her hair. Rachel looked beautiful. Her hair was in 2 braids that lead to the back of her hair, which was kept down. We had to straighten her hair before that since it didn't want to cooperate with us.

"Rachel." Piper gasped

"Oh, my gods," Hazel gasped too

"You look.." I gasped.

"GORGEOUS!" Rachel squealed as she looked in the mirror.

We all did this everytime one of us got married. Now, Rachel being the last one hopefully, we had decided to do the process one more time.


I walked down the aisle with Percy first, then Piper and Jason, then Hazel and Frank, then Calypso and Leo, then Iris walked down in her beautiful dress shoes and hair. Alex and Jax were by her side, Alex holding the rings, Iris throwing the flowers, and Jax wanted to pull Frankie whilst Ophelia sped crawled past them. It was hilarious.

All 4 were walking, Frankie in the wagon behind them, and this baby with a onsie on came crawling past them.

They finally got to the podium at the top, Iris gave Chiron the basket, Alex gave him the rings, and Jax lef the wagon there where Leo took Ophelia out.

Chiron did the usual talk, they said their I do's, and then they kissed. Rachel was the only one whom hadn't married someone from our friend group, but it was still sweet. It was nice to finally have a drink at someone's wedding, but I didn't have too many because I still had a toddler and didn't want anything happening.

Alex loved the cake so much that he said he wanted that for his birthday, even though his birthday was in 7 months. It was Chocolate Coconut cake. I promised that he could.

Rachel took me and Percy by hand, and cut into a certain part of the cake. It was blue.

"Just for you, Percy." Rachel started laughing so hard.

"Oh my, God's, Rachel." Percy laughed. Me and Rachel were laughing so hard.

I cut into it and gave it to Percy who was holding back laughter.

"That was good, Rachel." Percy said.

"I know." She walked away to go talk to someone.

Percy looked at me as I was still laughing, but that ended when Alex came up to us.

"Uhm, I spilled Apple Cider." He said, there was a huge stain on his pants of Apple Cider which made him look like he had peed himself.

That only made me and Percy laugh even harder. "Okay, hold on Alex." I finally brought myself to say.


We finally got back home and Alex had fallen asleep in the car. Percy gently took him out of his carseat and laid him in his crib.

Percy walked downstairs and cleaned up the living room. "You didn't have to clean it up." I said, walking out of my room.

"Oh, well it was a mess so I might as well." He laughed.

"No, I'm not complaining." I laughed.

"God's, this life is so much different from fighting monsters, Annabeth." He said.

"Yeah, but do you ever think about what would have happened if you... accepted immortality?" I asked him.

"I would hate my life and myself. I did it for you and I would have to watch you fall in love with another guy and raise a family with someone else as I sit in my Throne and tell Hermes to get a life." He said.

"Wha- What did Herme- Huh?" I asked him.

"Hermes keeps apologizing for his Son's mistakes. Like, dude, that was eons ago." He rolled his eyes.

"It wasn't 𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒔 ago, Percy. We were 12." I said.

"Exaggeration." He said "But, we all forgave Luke since he pretty much sacrificed himself to prove that he changed. I don't really care that he gave me a Scorpion sting." He laughed.

"Eh, whatever. What would it be like with your dad," I laughed.

"My dad is awesome. I resent myself for ever resenting this guy. He's much better than from when I was a kid." He said.

"Daddy's boy." I laughed.

"No, no. Now don't forget that I went on a whole quest for my mother, and she raised me. I see her all the time, I haven't seen my dad in a while." He said, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Fair. I'm just glad that I don't have to see Athena, I'm a disappointment to her. I'm just 'another one of her kids'" I laughed.

"Yep. All God's are different." He said.

"Indeed. But to be fair, my mom is really strong. I used to look up to her when I was a young, dumb 10 year old." I laughed.

"I didn't know you at 10, but 2 years later you were still pretty dumb," He shrugged.

I hit his shoulder and we laughed some more.


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