Halfway to Olympus

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Percy's POV:

We were all getting close to passing out. It was our second night and we had 9 days left.

"Percy," Said a weary voice behind me

"Yes?" I asked, turning around. It was Orion.

"Why was I chosen to come?" He asked me "I mean, I'm weak." I was so surprised

"Orion. I've seen you punching the air, and if you did it any longer, there would be no more oxygen in the air." I said, kneeling down "And you helped Calypso give both for the God's sake," I said with a smile on my face

"Thanks, Percy," He said and continued walking

"Good job, man," Jason said patting me on the back.

"Thanks, Grace," I said.

"No problem, Jackson."



"Percy?" Grover came up to me and said

"Si?" I asked, jokingly

"No, Percy, this isn't time to joke around." He said with a serious face, and my smile faded "I sense one," He said, his voice shaking "A big one.. Or is it multiple?" He said

"Okay, everyone!" I yelled "Be on your guard for a really big one or multiple!" I shouted making sure we were all on guard.


"W-what was tha" Lexi asked, shaking while holding her sword tight.

"A growl." Orion said "Stay close, Penny, Lexi." He said. He was super protective, probably a good traits.

"Okay, guys. Be ready," Annabeth said with a stern look on her face

"The baby!" Calypso yelled "What do I do?!" She started freaking out


"Oh, my gods I forgot!" Piper screamed in fear "What do we do?!"

"Uhhh," Jason said like he was trying to figure it out "Take the baby some place safe and stay with her," He said "It's all we can do, and take your weapons, scream if something happens," He said

She started sprinting with the baby. Leo was freaking out, his fatherly instinct was kicking in.

--Rarrrr-- The monster roared ---Growl--

"It's close!" Grover yelled


"I'm scared!" Lexi yelled. It was weird, Penny was scared of everything until Battle, and Lexi was fearless until Battle. I mean, Penny is the daughter of the God of war, but you would think that she would be fearless at all times. And Lexi, the daughter of Persephone, I thought would be the sensitive one at all times, but she was tough.. until Battle.

"It's gonna be okay," Piper smiled at her, but not even Piper could reassure her now.

We were all standing in stance with our swords ready when "𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒍," The monster was getting closer and closer.. Until we saw a shadow jumping over our heads "RAHHH," It screamed as it landed. It was hungry.

"A Chimera!" Grover said "That's why I was smelling double!" He said, stepping back

It roared some more.

Penelope made a battle cry and cut into its fur, then Orion did the same. Lexi stabbed it's stomach.

"𝑅𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴," It screamed in agony. They all pulled their swords out.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now