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Alex's POV:

"ANAST-" I said before breaking out in tears. "No. . ." I said faintly.

No words came out of my mouth.

"I didnt want this to happen. . ." I said.

I held her in my arms and stroked her once tan face. All the life in her looked gone.

I no longer heard the wind blowing past my ears. I didn't hear anything. I couldn't see anything, the tears I was crying swelled my eyes.

I was brought back to reality when Phoebe and Enyo were running towards us.

"Stacy?!" Phoebe yelled as she got closer.

"Jackson, did she touch the amulet?" Enyo asked.

I couldn't talk. My throat hurt "Ye. ." I managed to get out.

"Oh, no." She said.

"But, I don't understand." I said faintly "She said it was just like a phone call."

"A phone call?" Enyo asked "No, it's a great power source."

"What?" I asked. My mind racing. I was able to look up from the ground and Stacy at Enyo and Phoebe, who was crying as well.

"When. . ." Enyo began "When anything other than a God touches this amulet, they could die."

"What?!" I shouted, my own voice rang in my ears.

"Alexander, when that amulet is worn, a spirit launches into your soul." She said "Her body is fighting the soul of Typhon."

"But. . ." I gulped "But Mom and Dad defeated him when they were teenagers."

"Immortality." She said "Not defeated, Poseidon trapped him underground."

"In the amulet?" I asked.

"In the amulet. . ." She said.

"Okay, what in the name of Zeus is it doing here?!" I yelled. Lightning Striked "SHUT UP, ZEUS, YOU DID THIS!" I yelled even louder.


I scoffed.

"The amulet. . ." She said "I- I don't know."

"How can we save her?" I said, tears coming back.

"Someone else has to take the soul of Typhon." She said.

"I'll do i-" I began before Phoebe interrupted me.

"I'll do it." She said.

"Phoebe." I said "No."

She looked at me "It's in the prophecy, Alex." Tears filling up in her eyes. "Tears will be wept for a girl of Poseidon, Alex, I didn't know what it meant until now."

"I will not lose you." I said "I'd never forgive myself, but if I'm dead, the people I love the most will be okay."

"No, Alex, I need to do this." She said.

"But you're seven!" I yelled "I won't let you do this!"

"I'm making my own desicion." She said with a sob "Enyo, do you know how?"

"Yes." She said and gave me pleading eyes, her red eyes no longer made me angrier than I already was.

"PHOEBE!" I yelled as Enyo lay Stacy and Phoebe next to each other. "NO!"

Enyo tied me to a pile facing away from them so I wouldn't have to watch.


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