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Percy's POV:

I had taken the day off since it was Stacy's real birthday and I wanted all of us to spend the day as a family together.

That was until I got a call from work.

"I know, I'm sorry, Anastasia. I have to go help a dolphin. I promise we'll hang out on my next day off." I reassured her.

"But- Daddy!" She cried.

"I'm sorry," I gave her a hug and she hugged back.

"Bye, Alex." I said

"Bye, daddy," He said from the living room.

"Live you, Annabeth." I said and she smiled.

"Bye, Daddy," Stacy said with a sniffle.

"Bye," I said before actually leaving.

Annabeth's POV:

"I made pancakes!" I said.

"Yes!" Alex said as he ran to his seat.

I put Stacy in her highchair and she shoved 3 whole bites in her mouth.

"Mm, yummy, Mommy!" She said.

"Mhm!" Alex said with a mouthful.

"Glad you like it!" I smiled "What do you guys want to do today?" I asked them.

"Movies!" Stacy shouted.

"You wanna go see a movie in theaters?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Yeah!" She laughed.

"Please, Mommy!" Alex begged.

"Pleaaassssseeee" Stacy begged.

"Okay, Okay. The only movie I think that you guys will like is the new Cars movie. Is that okay?" I asked them.

"Vroom Vroooommm, yeah!" Stacy laughed.

"Yeah!" Alex agreed.

"Okay, let's go get dressed and I'll take you." I laughed.

We went upstairs and I layed Alex's outfit, he was mature enough to put his own clothes on.

Then I went in Anastasia's room and picked out a tie-dye shirt and skinny jeans with her silver sandals.

"Hair up?" I asked her.


"Okay, pony or bun?"


"Messy or no?"


"Okay," I laughed.

"I'm dressed, mommy." Alex said as he walked in.

"Good! I'm just putting her hair up and... done!" I said.

"Okay, can we go?" He asked.

"Yes, Alex. Just hold on." I laughed. I was only 2 months pregnant and I was already getting lazier, which I hated.


We got to the theaters and bought our tickets.

"Now, promise me that you'll sit the whole time." I told them.

"Promise!" They said.

"Okay. I'm trusting you." I said.

"Okie Dokie," Stacy said.


We got there later so that we wouldn't have to watch that many ads, and there was only one left when we sat down.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now