Stars, Moons, and Skies

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Alex's POV:

When you've just seen your life flash before your eyes, it's odd seeing the world. I had prepared myself for death, but. . . I'm not dead.

I remember talking to Stacy, and then the world felt like it was spinning, then closing in on me. Next thing I know, the sky is black and Stacy is lying next to me, asleep.

"Stacy?" I asked.

"Alex?" She asked, her eyes fluttering open.

"I'm okay now." I said, my mind still foggy.

"Okay, that's great, but I'm tired." She groaned "So, shhh."

I lay back down my head and closed my eyes.


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping in the air. Life must be so calm for them.

"C'mon!" Phoebe yelled.

"No!" Stacy yelled back "We are getting Luna!"

"What is happening?" I groaned.

"They're fighting." Heidi said.

The sound of her soothing, calm voice made me happy. Then this feeling inside of my stomach arose. Butterflies.

"Oh." I said "Over what."

"Uh. ." She shrugged.

"Hmm." I said and ran over to them. "ARGH!" I yelled. I felt this sharp pain in my leg and toppled over.

"Alex!" Heidi yelled "Don't run on that leg!"

"But. . . Did the ambrosia not heal it completely?" I asked.

"We didn't give you ambrosia." Heidi said.

"Why not?" I asked.

She pointed towards Stacy and Phoebe.

"What?" I asked.

"Just-" She started "Just come with me."

She put my right arm around her left and let me lean.

When we got to Stacy and Phoebe by the lake, the backpack was in there.

"Well, we can't go to Colorado without that!" Phoebe's little girl voice said "He'll get hurt even more!"

"We have to finish the quest!" Stacy yelled "Phoebe, if we don't find Luna, you know what will happen to Artemis!"

"Fine!" Phoebe threw her arms up "If Alex gets hurt, it's not on me." And she sprinted away.

"AGH!" Stacy yelled and kicked a rock all across the lake "Why dont people just LISTEN TO ME?!"

"Hey." I said "What uh. . . What happened?"

"Phoebe was grabbing the basket and she said she'd take it over here to fill the water bottles up." Stacy started "And I was fine until I realized that this water isn't drinkable and we'd all die if we drank it."

"Mhm." I said "Heidi, you can set me down against this stump."

"Okay." She whispered and propped me up against it.

"So I ran over to her and yelled at her not to fill it up, and she protested against me." Stacy frowned and stomped madly "So I tried snatching it from her and she kept pulling, but obviously since I'm three years older, I'm stronger-"

"Sorry, Uh, I'll go check on her." Heidi said "Continue." She said and ran off.

"-And so the basket flew up in the air and into the lake and we started yelling at each other." She said and came and sat next to me "And now our ambrosia is in there, I was supposed to give it to you when you woke up in the middle of the night."

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