The Percabeth Jackson Wedding

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Annabeth's POV:

It was the day of our wedding. Me and the girls stayed in a hotel, and the boys stayed in a different one. The girls said it was bad luck for us to see each other on the day of our wedding.

"ANNABETH!" Piper yelled "WEDDING!" I sat up so fast. I looked a mess. We had 6 hours before we had to get there.

I brushed my hair, put on a shirt and shorts with flip flops and we left.

When we got there, everything looked amazing. It was perfect.

We headed to the back, and there was all of Piper's sisters. Meaning the Aphrodite kids.

They did my hair so where the front of my hair was put into braids and pulled back into pigtail like things.

Like this (that's not Annabeth btw

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Like this (that's not Annabeth btw.)

I put my dress on, and they did my makeup. It was almost time to go out. I put my shoes on, and veil. My dad walked in as he was about to walk me down.

"I'm so glad that you forgave me when you were a kid, Annie. You don't know how much it meant to me and your step mom." He said

"I know, dad. I love you." I said with tears

"You too, honey." He said

Then it was our time to walk down.

Percy's POV:

She was beautiful. He hair was as beautiful as always, she looked like a Goddess from Olympus. Her blonde curly hair shimmered as she walked down, her eyes completed the image. I felt like I could be shot right them and there, and I would still be in shock.

She came to the alter. A smile on her face, I'm sure I looked like a doofus. But I didn't care.

Chiron was officiating the wedding, and he started reading.. I think. I wasn't paying attention. Annabeth looked to beautiful. I snapped our of it when I heard.

"Perseus Jackson, do you take this Annabeth Chase to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Chiron asked

"I do," I said. As her eyes reeled me back into a trance

"And do you, Annabeth Chase, take Perseus Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," She said

"You may kiss the bride," Chiron signaled towards me.

We shared a kiss. Not long, we didn't like to do long ones publicly, they were awkward. But we still loved it.

We walked down the aisle, and my mom and Phil winked at me on my way down.


When we were about to cut into the cake, I asked to make a speech with the mic.

"Everyone, if I could please have your attention." I said trying to get everyone to pay attention.

"Me and Annabeth have news for you." Everyone was finally looking "We are having our first child in 7 months."

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