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Piper's POV:

Jason and I took the day off from work to take the family to Adventureland, or so we were going to Adventureland. Until something happened.


"Ariana! WAKE UP!" I shouted at her.

She groaned, her brown curly hair in a rats nest "Ugh, no."

"We're going to Adventureland, if you want to go then wake up." I said.

"Fine." She rolled out of bed. Who knew a four year old could be so rude?


"Morning, Mom." Danae said, her perfectly brushed curly hair falling just below her shoulders.

"Morning, Danae." I smiled.

"Mom! Ajax went in my room!" Ari yelled.

"Okay?" Jason said.

"He's not allowed in there!" Ariana said.

"Jax, don't go in ari's room." Jason groaned.

"Whatever," Jax shrugged.

"Are we ready?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jax said.

"ok- AHHH!" I screamed. It felt like something was stabbing me in my stomach.

"Piper.." Jason said "There's a lightning bolt coming out of your stomach."

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"OH MY-" Ari screamed.

Jason pulled it out "AHH!" I screamed. A normal mortal would've died from touching it, but not a Son of Zeus.

"What?-" I asked. The pain went away.

"I have no clue." Jason said "I think we should go see Chiron."

"I'm sorry, Kids." I said "I know we were all really looking forward to going."

"It's okay, I just want you to be okay." Danae rubbed my arm. She was the sweetest out of all of them.


We called Nico and Will over to watch the kids.

"Thank you so much, Di Angelo." Jason said.

"Grace." He nodded.

"Chiron!" I yelled as we walked past the gates.

"Piper McLean?" He asked "Grace, sorry."

"Yeah, uhm, we have something to as you." Jason said.

"And what is that?"

We explained everything that happened and he just kind of stood there.

"That is indeed odd, I will admit." He scratched his beard.

"That we know." Jason said.

"If I had to guess, you are pregnant with a very powerful daughter of Zeus." He said.

My face turned red "Another baby?"

"Possibly." He said "We'd have to test it, but if I'm correct, you have a very powerful baby on your hands."

I didn't know how to respond, and neither did Jason.

"I'd go take a test just to be sure if I were you." Chiron said. "Hope to see this baby one day."

He galloped away muttering something about a prophecy or something like that.


I relieved Will and Nico of their babysitting pleasures and Jason went to buy a test.

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