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Percy's POV:

Alex's sport is swimming, Stacy likes volleyball (she plays with her mom a lot), Parker likes to cook, but Phoebe has been asking to do something for a long time.

"Soccer?" I asked her.

"No!" She yelled.

"Hmm.." Annabeth said "Dance?"

"Uh-uh!" Phoebe stomped her foot.

"Gymnastics?" I asked.

"Yeah!" She laughed "I wanna do Gymnastics."

"Finally." I sighed and lay down on the couch.

"Okay, Phoebs." Annabeth said "Now I just have to find one that accepts one year olds." She frowned.

"We'll find one." I said.

"Cool!" Alex said, watching his Demi-Pad.

"What?" Stacy looked over.

"I unlocked a character." He said "It's golden."

"I really dont care." Stacy frowned and went back to combing her baby doll's hair.

Alex rolled his eyes and went back to his game.

"Dad?" Parker asked me.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Who's your favorite kid?"

"I don't have one." I smiled "All of you are my favorite."

"Darn it." He said.

"Who's your favorite parent?" I asked him.

"I don't wanna hurt your guys' feelings." He said.

"It's okay, you can't hurt us." I told him.

"Okay..." Parker said "My favorite is Mom."

"See?" I said "No feelings hurt."

"Mine is Dad." Phoebe said.

Annabeth looked up from her laptop and frowned.

"Dad!" Stacy said.

"Mom." Alex said.

"Okay, let's not do that again." Annabeth said.


"Tomorrow is the first day of school!" Stacy sang.

"Awe, I wanna go to school." Parker said.

"I know, next year buddy." I said.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Phoebe asked her.

"Mhm, that's nice, Parker." Annabeth said, not looking up from her computer.

"I'm not Parker!" Phoebe yelled.

"You're seeing your mother in her 'work faze' is what I call it." I laughed.

"How do you get her out of it?" Stacy asked, suddenly interested.

"Like this." I smirked. All of them gathered around the table. "AHH! SPIDER!"

"WHAT WHERE?!" Annabeth freaked out.

All of us were laughing as Annabeth stood on the chair, her face bright red.

"Perseus Jackson." She said.

"Ooh, Dad, you're in trouble." Alex said.

But, instead, Annabeth just went back to whatever she was doing on the computer.

"Okay, Phoebe, your first Gymnastics class is Wednesday." Annabeth said.

"Yay!" She laughed "Thank you!"

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now