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Alex's POV:

When we left Troy, the prophecy rung in my head. But fail what matters most to you. What matters most to me?

Stacy's POV:

I knew what the last line of the prophecy meant. What mattered most to me? What mattered most to me was. . . Athena. Yes, it's stupid. Mom told me all the stories of her and I just. . . I just want her to think that I'm worthy of her wisdom. Even though I didn't come from her head.

"Phoebe, you okay?" Alex asked her.

"Mhm, my head just hurts a tad bit." She said.

"Okay, well, we're in Greece." I frowned "What do we do?"

"Alex, are you fine with that?" Phoebe asked. I'm assuming the horses were talking due to their simple 'neighs'

"Stacy, they asked if they could take us to Alaska with breaks." Alex said.

"How though?" I asked "How can they do that?"

"With breaks." Phoebe said "Meaning we all get the breaks."

"Yes, but if we sleep for the night, it would split it up into days, and we've already lost four days, we only have three more to get Heidi and Luna!" I yelled.

"Stacy, we will get both of them." He said "It's 11 hours in flight, if we fly five hours today-" The horses seemed to cringe at that "And six tomorrow, we'll get there tomorrow, then come back and get to Luna the day after, leaving one day to get to camp."

"H-how did you calculate that?" I asked.

"You were mumbling while we were talking." He smirked.

I smacked his shoulder and climbed on Blackjack.

"Well?" I asked "It's 10:26 AM, let's go!"

Alex got on Ace and Phoebe held on to my waist as we rode Blackjack.

About an hour later, the horses started to get tired.

"Five minute break?" Alex asked.

I rolled my eyes and groaned "Fine."

The horses dove down in a forest of trees.

"Okay, Phoebe, restroom?" Alex asked.

"There's no restrooms for miles." I said.

"Bushes." Phoebe said "I really have to go, who knew that when your soul is fighting a spirit, it really jiggles up your bladder."

"Okay, come on." I rolled my eyes and took her behind a bush. I stood outside the bush and stood guard, but left her some privacy.

"Okay, the horses are fine now!" Alex yelled.

"Done!" Phoebe laughed and we walked back over to them.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yep." Alex said and we climbed back on our horses.

  ~      ~

About two hours later (and two breaks), everyone was over the ride. We had two more hours, but no one seemed able to push themselves.

"Come on, guys!" I yelled "Chiron gave us the honor of taking this quest, so are we gonna take it or no?"

"Yeah." Alex said "We are."

"Okay, now come on!" I groaned "We have to do this!"

The horses pushed on, and I looked away from where Alex was riding so he wouldn't see me. I really hoped Athena accepted me.


We finally landed at 6 pm in a forest.

"I'll make a fire." I said.

"Okay, need me to help collecting sticks?" Alex asked me.

I stopped "No, I need. .  I need time to myself." I said.

"Okay." He frowned "But please be careful."

I trudged in to the woods.

Words started repeating in my head.

"You're not good enough." Sarah Zealand says.

Tears started forming in my eyes.

"Dude, you really think that nerds like you are welcome here?" Josie Lucas says.

Tears were streaming down my face.

"Idiot, why do you even wake up in the morning?" Lila Kraay asked "You should just fall asleep and never wake up."

I sat down against a tree and sunk my face into my hands, cuddling my legs.

"Why?" I muttered to myself "Why can't I be good enough?"

That's why I hated school. All I ever wanted was to fit in. Ari has to protect me, but they listen to her because she gets all the guys in fourth grade and they're scared of her.

I was balling my eyes out when I heard a growl coming from a bush.

I quickly stood up and grabbed my squiggly dagger.

It was a baby manicore. Of course, a baby one, is about six feet.

It circled around me. I stood as still as I could and tried not to breathe. Although, I kind of had to because breathing is essential.

It got closer to me, and closer, and closer and cl-


I sliced its head off and it fell to the floor before sprinkling into golden dust. I felt my cheeks and blood was all on it. I then felt this stinging pain in my thigh.

It had scratched my leg. Bad. I wish I'd worn pants, because if I did there would only be a small scratch. This was at least four skin layers deep.

It hurt so bad that I fell to the floor.

"Stacy?!" I heard Alex yell.

"Alex!" I yelled back "Please!"

I heard him rustling through the leaves.

"Anastasia?! Are you hurt?!" He yelled "Please tell me!"

He was shone a flashlight at my face as I was on the ground, then turned it toward my thigh.

He gasped "C-" He gagged "Can you walk, I can see your b-bone."

"No, Alex, I can't." I said "Please help me."

I put my right arm around his shoulder and leaned, taking the weight off my broken left leg.

He lay me on my bedroll and prayed to the gods that I'd be fine.

All that we had were bandaids and fever medicine.

He took a bandage and wrapped it around the wound.

"I hope this works." He said.

"It won't." I said "I'll most likely get blood poisoning and die."

"W-what?" Phoebe asked "Don't die."

"I'll try." I smiled.


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