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Alex's POV:

Stacy took the first watch, then me, then Phoebe. Phoebe woke us all up at around 7:30.

"Grahh. ." Stacy groaned as she sat up. "My hair is in knots." She said as she stroked her hair.

"Try having my hair." Phoebe said, putting her curly black hair in a ponytail.

Stacy shrugged "I need a shower." She eyed our clothes "We all need showers."

"Yeah, well, we're on a quest." I said "So, it may be weeks before we get to shower again."

Stacy gagged in disgust.

"Let's go!" I said and we started walking again.


We walked for about 30 minutes before my stomach grumbled.

"Sharks." I said "We only got water and 3 protein bars from camp."

"Ugh, why couldn't they give us pizza or something?" Phoebe asked.

"It would go bad eventually." Stacy said "I say we split one of the bars into thirds."

"Alright." I said. I handed everyone a small square of the bar with my dirty fingers, and everyone got 5 sips of the water bottle.

As we were walking, there were some parents who sped along past us with there children, hoping we wouldn't beg them for money or food. And some people offered us money, and of course we took it. We looked like homeless kids after just one night of fighting monsters.


"Alex, where are we?" Phoebe asked me.

"Uhh," I said, looking around. I found a newspaper that read the village we were in "Roslyn."

"Is that close?" She asked.

"Nope." Stacy said.

"Aw," Phoebe said "Oh, wait, happy birthday!"

"Thanks for forgetting, Phoebs." I said.

"I'm sorry." She sighed.

"Oh, right, happy eleventh birthday." Stacy said.

"Thanks." I said "I'm younger than Dad was on his first quest!"

"Oh, yeah, I'm even younger." Phoebe bragged.

"Oh, whatever, you little nugget." I rolled my eyes.


We walked for about 20 minutes before I realized how stupid this was.

"We'll never get to Alaska in a week by walking." I sighed. "What do we do?"

"Hmm." Stacy said "We could call Ace?"

Ace was the child of Blackjack, my Dad's horse, and Josie, a girl horse that was rescued and taken in by camp. He was 12 years old, but already extremely big.

"Do you think he'd get here in time?" I asked.

"Probably." She shrugged.

"Phoebe, did Chiron teach you the call?" I asked her.

"No?" She said.

"Alright, guess I'm doing this this myself." I said.

I thought of Blackjack, and Ace. Josie hated being ridden, so Phoebe and Stacy could take Blackjack and I'd take Ace. When I found Ace in my mind, I called him.

"𝑨𝒄𝒆, 𝑰 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖."

I stopped thinking and waited five seconds before anything happened.

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