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Hazel's POV:

Only being able to have one child because of a curse really sucks. Frankie has asked for a little brother for a long time, but if we do, he'll die within seconds. The part that's even harder is that Francine is five, meaning that I don't have a baby to hold anymore.

"Frankie, wak-" I walked into her room, but she wasn't there. All I saw was a fly in her bed.

"FRANK!" I yelled. He ran upstairs and stood next to me.


"I don't see Francine." I said "There's a fly, and I don't know if it's Frankie or not."

"Uhhhhhh," He said "I should turn into a fly and talk to it?"

"Uh, yeah!" I said like it was obvious.

Frank turned into a fly and flew over to the other one.

"No, it's not Frankie." He said, turning back "Plus, I don't think that she'll be claimed by Mars. And we're not taking her to Camp Jupiter anyways."

"Okay, but where is FRANKIE?!" I yelled.

"I don't know, Hazel." Frank said calmly.

Then, behind us, a small voice spoke "Mom?" It was Frankie.

"Oh, thank gods." Frank sighed "Where were you?"

"Uh, bathroom." She said.

Frank and I looked at each other and gave her a hug.

"Your father had to turn into a fly." I laughed.

Frankie broke out laughing "Wait, can we play horse?" Her eyes lit up.

"Frankie, I don't think that's a good idea for inside." I said "Besides, Uncle Nico and Uncle Will are coming over to watch you whilst your dad and I work."

"Yay! Uncle Will and Nico!" She laughed.

"Okay, but I have to go like- Now." Frank said and gave me a kiss on the cheek "Love you."

"Bye, Dad!" Frankie called.

"Bye, Francine." He laughed.

"Mom, can you get the ma-" She began

"Two steps ahead of you." I said and pointed to the table that had makeup on it.

"Yes!" She laughed. We started a thing where whenever Will or Nico came over, she'd drown them in makeup.


"Bye, Will, Nico, bye Frankie!" I said, walking out the door.

"Bye, Mom!"

"Bye, Hazel!" Nico yelled, he was scared.


I got home before Frank. When I opened the door, I saw Nico. He had dark red lipstick and his greasy long black hair put up in a bun. He had mascara on his cheek and short eyelashes.

I cracked up laughing next to Will "Oh, great job Frankie HAH!"

"Shut up, Hazel." He grumbled "Come on, Will."


A/N: Sorry this was short, I didn't know what to do.

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