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Annabeth's POV:

"PERCY! PERCY!" I squealed, but still kept it kind of quiet so I didn't wake Alex up.

"What?" He asked.

I handed him the test and he stood up "Annabeth! We're having another baby?! Oh, God's!" He yelled.

"Shh," I laughed.

"I love you so much!" He was pacing around the room so happy.

"I'll schedule an appointment tomorrow." I laughed.

"Okay.. Okay.. Yeah, okay!" He said.

"We should go to bed, Seaweed Brain." I laughed some more.

"Yeah...Okay," He sighed.


I woke up to the smell of sausages and Alex cracking up laughing.

I came out of our room with my hair in a messy bun and a hoodie. "What's happening out here?" I smiled at Percy and Alex playing on the floor and sausage on the stove.

"Fun!" Alex laughed.

"Okay, hold on, Alex. I have to cook the food some more." Percy laughed.

"Okay!" Alex said. My heart stopped.

"W-what'd you say, Alex?" I asked.

"I said Okay.." Alex

"Aweee.. What happened to 'Otay'?" I asked him.

"I can say 'Kkkkk' now!" He laughed

"You're getting too big!" I told him

"I'm a year and 3 months," He crossed his arms.

"Yeah, but you are too mature!" I laughed.

"Oh. Good?" He asked me

"Yes, Alex.. Good." I laughed

"Alexander Perseus Jackson is GOOD!" He yelled as he jumped from the couch to the floor.

"Just don't jump off the couch," I said.

"Okay, sorry!" He said.

"Yep." I walked away as he did it again. "Alexander?" I said with a death look.

"Sorryyyyyy," He said scared.

"Mhm." I walked into the kitchen.

"Annabeth, why don't you go get ready for your ultrasound whilst I make breakfast?" He asked me as I hugged him.

"Fineee," I walked away.

It was October, so it was a little chilly. I put on jeans, shirt, jacket and was done.

I walked out of my room and sat down. "Wow, Alex, you like daddy's sausage huh?" I laughed.

"Mhm! Daddy makes good food." He said, cutting a piece and throwing it into his fake basketball hopped in the living room. "Yess! I made it." He laughed.

"Alexander, not with food." I scolded.

"Sorry, mommy." He said, doing it again.

"Alexander Perseus!" Percy said. Then Alex laughed.

"Daddy and Mommy funny!" He laughed, and threw it again.

"Okay, do I have to take the hoop away?" I asked.

"Do it." Alex said, his eyes getting serious.

"Okay!" I said and put the hoop into our room where he couldn't find it. I heard Alex and Percy talking and when they finished, I walked out.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now