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Stacy's POV:

Heidi was beautiful. She was the kind of girl who would become immediately popular at my school. The one who would immediately start bullying kids. . . kids like me. Smart. Actually care about school. I couldn't stand it. Why was I the way I was? No one actually cared about me. I was an outcast, I only fit in at camp and at home. But, at school, I was nobody. Just a crumbled up piece of paper with dyslexia and ADHD. Almost nobody knew about who I was. Almost. That's why I love Ari. She knows everything. And if the other kids knew I was a demigod, they might start to appreciate me. But, the can't know and won't know. So I'm stuck with them picking on me about everything. I just wanted it to stop. I wanted to look like they did. But I don't. I don't look like Heidi. Honestly, even Luna's beautiful and I've only seen her in the picture.

Heidi's POV:

I was freaked out. These three kids just picked me up from summer camp and told me they'd be taking me to another camp. A camp for. . . Demigods. I was a daughter of Hera. Who's not supposed to have kids. Not supposed to cheat on Zeus. So now I'm being hunted down by monsters and creatures who want to kill me. And I wouldn't see my dad for a long time. At least I was with people like me. Demigods.

"Alex?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah?" He said.

"I. . . I'm sorry, I'm not good at fighting, so if I get you guys killed I'm sorry." I said.

"It's fine." He laughed "We've been training since we were seven."

"Phoebe's seven, right?" I said.

"Yeah, her first year of camp." I said.

"She's on a quest her first year of camp?" I asked. "That's pretty amazing."  I looked over at her and she was blushing

"Thanks." She mumbled.

I looked at my arms, which were wrapped tightly around Alex's waist, his black hair blowing in the wind and his pale skin glowing in the light.

I came back to life when I saw my skin turning red.

"𝑮𝒐𝒅, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏!" I thought to myself. Though, I guess I'd end up saying 'gods' pretty soon.

I'd been through this before. In third grade, I had it bad for 'Dominic Kelly,' and one day I had the courage to tell him. He and I "dated" for a week before all my friends turned on me and started talking to him and his friends and he dumped me on the last day of school. I was heartbroken. I swore I would never like a boy again. And I kept that promise. . . Until now.

Alex's smile showed up in my mind. His beautiful, gorgeous smile. I had broken my promise.


Ace started falling asleep. He was swerving in the air like a drunk driver. It had seemed like four hours since we'd been in Alaska. We definitely were no longer home.

His wings couldn't take it anymore and he fell.

"ALEX!" I heard Stacy and Phoebe scream from above.

I was screaming.

Ace was falling faster, as he was heavier and had more of an impact of gravity. Alex held my hand tight and held my body close to his.

"We'll be okay." He said into my ear, though I could hear the doubt in his mind.

How could we survive a 500 foot drop? How was that possible. Its not.

I held him tight. His body warmth gave me a sense of life.

Although we were only eleven, I felt like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. The two seconds I had of it.

"ACE, COME ON!" He yelled.

I looked up and saw Blackjack flying down with Stacy and Phoebe, flying as fast as he could.

"ALEXANDER, WAIT!" Stacy yelled.

He looked up and smiled. He held up three fingers and put it to his lips and held it back up.

"Goodbye." He said and pushed me upward.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted "ALEX!"

"This quest isn't to save me." He said "Go."

Tears welled in my eyes. I was the reason he would die.

Eventually, Blackjack got me back on his back.

Stacy and Phoebe didn't say anything, they were sobbing.

Blackjack was pushing through, but I didn't think he'd make it.

I could see the ground. Ace smacked flat on it, right before Alex.

"NO!" Stacy and Phoebe cried.

"Alex. . ." I said.

"I WILL NOT LOSE YOU!" Stacy yelled.

When we landed, we all sprinted over to them.

Ace was breathing. He neighed and Phoebe translated it to "Is Alex okay?"

But, we were focused on Alex now that Ace was fine.

He was breathing. He had a pulse.

"How. . .?" I asked "Who could've survived that?"

"I don't understand." Stacy said "It shouldn't be possible."

"I. . ." Phoebe said. "I don't know."

"Maybe because. ." Stacy said "No, there is no possible way, honestly, he should've died in the middle of falling."

"But, then Heidi should've died." Phoebe said "What is happening?!"

"Nectar. . ." Alex groaned.

"You need nectar?" Stacy asked and got the pack.

He shook his head and pointed to the four of us. "Nectar." He said.

"Huh?" Stacy asked "Oh! Nectar!"

"What?" Phoebe asked.

"The three of us took Nectar at camp, and it lasts a week and we gave Heidi some!" Stacy laughed "So you guys won't die as easily!"

Alex nodded.


Later, we all rested on our bedrolls. They had packed two extra ones for when they found us, tomorrow we would try to find Luna Dorian.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now