Percabeth baby #3

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Annabeth's POV:

"AGHHH! PERSEUS JACKSON, COME HERE!" I yelled across the house.

He ran in and looked at the puddle on the floor.

"Kids, Car, Now!" He yelled and helped me to the car.


We were halfway to the hospital, we had called Percy's parents and all our friends, and the hospital.


I was in the delivery room, and Sally and Phil were watching the kids in the lobby.

Percy held my hand and told me that I could squeeze as hard as I needed.


"We're ready to push!" The Nurse said.

"okAYY," I screamed in agony.

"As hard as you can, Annabeth!" They yelled.

"You got this." Percy kept whispering "I love you."

"1, 2, 3." They said.

I screamed some more "AGHHHH," and Percy's hand was redder than Rachel's hair.

"Good job, Annabeth! One more!" The nurses said.

Percy kissed my hand and smiled reassuringly at me.

"AGHHH!" I screamed as I pushed again.

There was silence.. Then a baby cry.

"Parker.." I said, out of breath.

"I'll go cl- Oh, what am I saying? You know the drill." The doctor said.


"It's a new doctor, Percy." I said realizing "I wonder where Dr. Davidson went."

Percy wasn't listening "Mhm, yeah, cool." He'd say.

"Percy?" I asked him.

"Yeah?" He said snapping out of it.

"What are you thinking of?" I asked him.

"The baby." He said.

I smiled.

"Ma'am, we're filling out the birth certificate.. What's the name?" The Nurse asked me.

"Parker Luke Jackson." I said.

"Thank you." She said carrying some files and left the room.


"Here is Parker," The doctor said coming back into the room.

"Oh, thank you." I said.

"Would you like me to let some of your visitors in?" She asked me.

"Yeah, please." Percy said and she went to go get them.

Parker had my blonde hair, and Percy's seagreen eyes.

"He looks like a baby." Percy laughed.

"He sure does." I smiled "Here," I handed him to Percy.

"Oh, hi, baby." He said to him.

We heard Stacy running down the hall.

"Daddy! Mommy! Parker!" She screamed.

"Yeah! It's Parker," I said. Alex, Sally, and Phil walked in next.

"Too many grankids," Sally laughed.

"Keep 'em coming." Phil said "I like when my bank account's at zero." He laughed.

"The more the merrier," I laughed.

"Mommy, can you have a girl next?" Anastasia asked me.

"Please!" Alex said.

"Maybe," I laughed.


Piper, Jason, Jax and Ari walked in.

"Ari, look!" Stacy said.

"Baby Parker!" She gasped in awe.

"Oh, we'd better go. We have a lunch date with an old friend." Sally said.

"Bye, guys!" Phil said.

"Bye, Grandma and Grandpa!" Alex said, holding Parker.

"Bye, honey." Sally said.

"Oh, gods, Annabeth he looks like you!" Piper squealed.

"Oof, sucks for the baby." I said.

"Oh, hush, you're beautiful." Piper laughed.


The Valdez family was on Vacation so they couldn't make it, but Hazel, Frank and Frankie came in next.

"Frankie, go say hi to the baby!" Frank said.

"Otay." She said. "Hi, baby." She waved to the baby then walked back to her mom and dad "Can we go now?"

"Hold on, Frankie." Hazel laughed. "You are so shy." She rolled her eyes.


Rachel said that Trey didn't want to come and she couldn't drag him here, so we just had Alex and Stacy go with the Grace family and Percy, Parker, and I slept here.

"Three kids," Percy laughed.

"Yep. Three more to go," I laughed.

"Maybe." Percy laughed.



The next day, we were told that we could go home, and that Parker was completely healthy.


We got home, and put Parker in his bassinet, for he had already falled asleep.

"You just gave birth.. How do you feel?" Percy asked me.

"Like I'm not carrying 14 pounds extra weight.

"Probably." He said.

"No, literally. I feel so much better," I laughed.

"I believe you." He laughed.


We got a call from Chiron.

"Annabeth, I just realized that I never added Alexander nor Anastasia to the Camp Half-Blood kid list. Today I added Parker, but may you tell me the birthdays of the other children?" He asked me.

"Alexander, June 21st." I said.

"Okay, and Anastasia?" He asked

"July 6th."

"Oka- Grover! Do not eat that Ziploc bag!" He yelled and hung up.

"Oh, gods, Grover." I rolled my eyes.

"What was it this time?" Percy asked.

"Ziploc bag." I said.

"Oh, better than the TV from last time." He laughed.

"That was funny." I laughed.

"I'm gonna go in the pool, coming?" He asked me.

"No, I think I'll read a book in our room so if Parker wakes up I'll be there."

"Okay," He said and walked on the water as if it were a balance beam.


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